Gevurttz, Franklin AAlatawi, Omar2023-11-302023-11-302023-12-15Alatawi, Omar, "The Role of Decentralization in Combating Corruption in Saudi Arabia" (2023). Theses and Dissertations. research argues for the importance of decentralization in combating administrative and financial corruption in Saudi Arabia. It is crucial to address this issue due to its detrimental impact on Saudi society's political, social, and economic aspects, its adverse effects on government institutions, and the depletion of national resources over time. Undoubtedly, addressing a global problem like corruption poses enormous difficulties for many countries worldwide because every country has or will ultimately face this issue within its borders. Corruption is a serious issue that plagues all human societies, no matter how advanced or sophisticated we become. The dissertation employs official data from the Anti-Corruption Authority to analyze the severity of financial and administrative corruption in Saudi Arabia (Nazaha) and to establish that the critical causes of corruption in Saudi Arabia are a lack of transparency and inadequate supervision of government entities by oversight authorities. The dissertation also outlines the structure of the Saudi government and its evolution over time, from its inception to the present day, including the development of central administration and decentralization. Saudi Arabia’s approach to decentralization is unique and tailored to its national interests, using regional and municipal councils as one form of decentralization reform. The dissertation highlights the decentralized governance structure of these councils and emphasizes the importance of empowering them by granting them greater authority and influence, enabling them to create a more significant impact. The dissertation also highlights the necessity and value of having the council members elected by the citizens of the regions they serve rather than being directly appointed by the central government. The dissertation also emphasizes the significance of enacting laws and regulations that enable citizens to attend regular local and regional council meetings and vote on some of the decisions related to local issues and tasks. Doing so will encourage citizens to take an active role in decision-making at the local level. Increasing community engagement through these councils will enhance transparency and public scrutiny of their work, which, in addition to monitoring by governmental authorities, will help reduce corruption.213en-USCorruptionAnticorruptionAnti-CorruptionSaudi ArabiaDecentralizationCombating CorruptionThe Role of Decentralization in Combating Corruption in Saudi ArabiaThesis