Saxena, NeeteshKhawaji, Moath Majdi2024-01-222024-01-222023-09-07 the global commercial and industrial sectors prosper, the demand for energy has prompted a pivotal shift from traditional electrical grids to smart grids (SG). Leveraging digital technology, SGs enhance efficiency and provide a more sustainable solution (Rawat and Bajracharya 2015). However, this evolution also magnifies the sector's vulnerability to cyber threats, as underscored by prominent cyber-attacks in recent history. This research project aims to delve into the intricacies of SG cybersecurity, leveraging the attack graph approach to identify critical assets within the proposed SG system model and assess associated risks. By focusing on critical assets and understanding system interconnectivity, a dynamic risk assessment model coupled with a state-of-the-art alert notification tool is proposed here to proactively counter threats and fortify SG system resilience. Ultimately, our objective is to strengthen the security of SGs, safeguarding them against looming cyber threats.61enCybersecurityIndustrial Control SystemsICSSmart GridAttack GraphRisk AssessmentRisk Assessment and Advance Alert Notification for Smart GridThesis