Moital, MiguelAlessa, Abdullah2024-07-212024-07-210024-07-16 world of marketing in the 21st Century is a completely transformed one with the advent of the internet and social media. Today, companies and various brands are increasingly resorting to social networks to reach their prospective customers. This transformation is prompted by the level at which consumers are equally embracing digital media at the expense of legal media that is deemed outdated. This research presents a current study on the effectiveness of the Instagram Highlight feature in fostering enhanced attendee engagement and event brand equity. It utilizes a qualitative research methodology to collect primary data from a sample of social media experts working in various companies of relevance to the studied variables. The research performs a critical literature review of the existing scholarly work on the User Engagement Theory (UET). The research gap identified is the missing knowledge on the specific Instagram feature of the Highlights as used in the promotion of attendee engagement and event brand equity. To analyze data, the study uses both thematic analysis methods that are done along the identified themes within the area of study. The results are then presented in a simplified manner making specific quotations to indicate ethnicity of the same. Following a detailed discussion of the findings, the study highlights practical recommendations applicable by social media marketers seeking optimum performance for their Instagram Highlight posts. The study also highlights the typical limitations of qualitative research. It also declares no conflict of interest between the research and the subject under examination.52enINSTAGRAM HIGHLIGHTHE EFFECTIVENESS OF INSTAGRAM HIGHLIGHTS IN ENHANCING ATTENDEE ENGAGEMENT AND EVENT BRAND EQUITYThesis