Prof H WangRAED SAAD ALSHAMMARI2022-05-282022-05-28 emissions are a major cause of global warming and climate change. In Saudi Arabia, over 89.7% of the total emissions are from the energy sector that utilises combustion oil and gas to generate electricity. The main constituent of industrial emissions is carbon (iv) oxide, that contributes to global greenhouse gases. Efforts to lower greenhouse gases have been made over the years ranging from government measures to technological innovations. This paper focuses on Saudi Arabi’s carbon (iv) oxide disposal, utilization and ways it can be converted to energy. A key highlight has been made on government measures and policies, and Saudi Aramco initiatives. Saudi Aramco gas flare minimization programme, the Uthmaniyah CO2-EOR Demonstration Project are just example showcasing Saudi Aramco spearheading reduction in industrial emissions. From the findings, carbon (iv) oxide can be utilised in the presence of sunlight and hydrogenated it to methane, a fuel for use. Also, a chemical reaction of the hybrid Na- CO2 cell in an electrolyte solution, can be implemented but the improvement has to be made for efficiency and power density. The kingdom is committed towards green energy with policies confirming to international agreements, collaborations and initiatives. As such, the Kingdom’s is actively committed towards reduction and utilization of carbon(iv) oxide for energy.enINDUSTRIAL CARBON EMISSIONS FOR ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN SAUDI ARABIA