Yaacob, AhmadAlmalki, Abdulrahman Saee2024-10-132022-09-30TURNITINhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14154/73203Keywords: Sustainable Development, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Islamic Waqf, Furqan Association for Qur'anSustainable development encompasses all dimensions of human progress and aims to improve living conditions without increasing the use of natural resources. The most significant challenge of sustainable development is the eradication of poverty, as poverty may lead to various societal issues, including blasphemy. It is known that poverty is prevalent among Muslims and is more common in Muslim-majority countries compared to others. Therefore, the main question is: what is the role of Islamic waqf institutions in addressing this issue, and does the Furqan Association have a role in solving it. The researcher employed a qualitative approach, utilizing interviews and library research to collect and analyze the data. The official data published by the association on its website, including administrative, financial, and organizational information, was used, in addition to conducting interviews. Interviews were conducted with six of the association's employees, and the data was analyzed using MAXQDA software to determine the state of waqf, the challenges to its development and growth, as well as its impact on sustainable development. The study reached several findings, the most important of which is that Islamic waqf has a clear impact on achieving sustainable development in general, and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in particular. This finding also applies to the Furqan Association for Qur'an Memorization in Taif. Another result is that increasing waqf assets in both quantity and quality will lead to greater contributions to sustainable development and improved quality of education. Among the key recommendations is to increase support for the association's waqf projects, given their significant role in promoting sustainable development. It is also recommended that sustainable development be prioritized as one of the association's primary goals, in line with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 for sustainable development Keywords: Sustainable Development, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Islamic Waqf, Furqan Association for Qur'an297enKeywords: Sustainable DevelopmentKingdom of Saudi ArabiaIslamic WaqfFurqan Association for Qur'anTHE WAQFS OF THE FURQAN ASSOCIATION IN TAIF FOR MEMORIZING THE QURAN AND ITS ROLE IN ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTTHE WAQFS OF THE FURQAN ASSOCIATION IN TAIF FOR MEMORIZING THE QURAN AND ITS ROLE IN ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTThesis