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The many facets of the locomotor response to a novel environment test: theoretical comment on Mitchell, Cunningham, and Mark (2005).https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14154/73309A Virtual reality project to study confused "puzzled" facial expression and what might be considered a confused facial expression. I have uploaded the HEAR that confirms I got my master degree.Advances in the quality of virtual reality hardware and software mean that it is now possible to have real-time conversations using high fidelity avatars driven by live capture of facial expressions. Not all facial movements are captured or animated by current state-of-the-art systems. This raises two questions. First, which types of facial expressions are most important for effective communication? Second, how effectively are they reproduced by avatars and perceived by users? One especially important class of facial expressions for natural human interaction are those associated with communication of misunderstanding: ‘confused’ or ‘puzzled’ faces. To answer these questions a corpus of 9 facial expressions of confusion plus 5 baseline expressions are constructed using facial movement data captured from natural conversation. Each expression is then reconstructed using high quality avatars. The set of expressions are presented to users as 3D animations and participants judge whether they show confusion. Data on the type and speed of response and from live eye tracking show that all facial expressions were significant individual levels to predict pressing yes compared to fluent expression which we think is far from the confused facial expression. the direction of eyes or head roll didn’t make much.16envirtual realityfacial expressionshuman-human InteractionTHE AFFECT OF FACIAL EXPRESSION ANIMATIONS IN SYSTEMS THAT INCORPORATES A VRThesis