rutendoMira, Maya2023-12-052023-12-052023-10-22 events are becoming increasingly important due to growing awareness of climate change, especially among Generation Y and Z. Apart from sustainability, event managers have to be attentive to other components that influence satisfaction of guests such as reliability and service quality. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of sustainability and its interaction with SERVQUAL components in influencing satisfaction of Generation Y and Z attendees at music events in the UK. Sustainability (triple bottom line) theory, SERVQUAL framework and findings of the literature helped to formulate the research hypotheses. Surveys were conducted with the Generation Y and Z respondents in the UK using snowball sampling. A total of 95 responses were received and analysed using regression analysis, Pearson’s correlation and independent sample t-test. A positive effect of reliability of sustainable practices on service quality and satisfaction of guests at music events was noted. Responsiveness and assurance are not found to have a significant effect on service quality and satisfaction of guests. Empathy from event staff around sustainability initiatives at music events positively impacts the service quality and satisfaction of guests at music events. Furthermore, regression and Pearson correlation confirmed that tangibility of sustainability practices at music events positively impacts the service quality and satisfaction of guests at music events. Independent sample t-test confirmed that female respondents were more influenced by reliability, responsiveness, empathy and tangibility whereas male respondents were more influenced by assurance in influencing the service quality and satisfaction of guests at music events. In contrast, the impact of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibility in influencing the perception of service quality did not differ by generation (i.e. the responses of Generation Y and Z respondents were not significantly different from one another).63eneventManagementEffect of sustainability and other SERVQUAL components on satisfaction of Generation Y and Z attendees at music events in the UKThesis