Gillard, JonathanAljuhani, Yasmina Mohammad2023-05-302023-05-302020-01-01 pairwise comparison, the items being compared are judged in pairs to see which of the two is preferred. Many statistical techniques have emerged over the past decades which concern the methods of analysing pairwise comparisons. One of the most popular statistical models is the Bradley–Terry model, which was developed with a view to analysing the results from a set of paired comparisons. This model is widely employed to calculate the probabilities by making repeated pairwise comparisons between the items when no real measurement is possible. Bradley-Terry model has evolved over time and used in different applications such as ranking of sports team. Different extensions of the Bradley-Terry model have been proposed to overcome some existing limitation of the model.64enBradley terry modelpairwise comparisonsstatisticsoperational researchbinary dataAN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF BRADLEY-TERRY MODEL TO MEASURE ITS PERFORMANCEThesis