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The document will then delve into market positioning and explore how we can adapt our product to deliver value to alternative demographics. Finally, this report will discuss the finances involved and the potential scenarios and opportunities over the next 5 years. This report will take the reader through this extensive process to demonstrate a user-centric process that has delivered value to the stakeholder. This document will demonstrate extensive research, insight and analysis involved in our process and how we look to launch a feasible and validated product. It will also contain a critical analysis of the process and identified learning outcomes it achieves. The product is a portable and nutritious protein dessert pot crafted in collaboration with young women and specifically tailored to their preferences and needs. This solution is firmly supported by thorough research and a wealth of valuable insights from our target demographic.115enProblem solution synthesisStakeholder mappingBlue Ocean StrategyMarket Market PositioningCo-creation researchMarket positioningResearch and insightHuman Centre DesignCritical ThinkingFinancial AnalysisProduct designCollaborationSultanah demnostratorSultanah Market PositioningSultanah Financial planPostgraduate Projects