Hill, KellyAlsultan, Riham2024-05-072024-05-072024-04-26https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14154/71953Reading comprehension is a very integral element of encouraging lifelong learning amongst kindergarten students. The main objective of this research is to investigate teachers’ perspectives on the effectiveness of interactive read-aloud (IRA) in improving reading comprehension skills amongst kindergarten students in Saudi Arabia. The study's overarching aim was to determine how interactive reading-aloud strategies employed by Saudi kindergarten teachers during interactive read-aloud time impact Saudi kindergarten students' overall comprehension skills through the perceptions of teachers regarding the effectiveness of these strategies. To achieve this objective, the researcher employed a mixed-method research design, a combination of both quantitative and qualitative strategies. The quantitative process involved administering quantitative surveys to 269 kindergarten teachers in Saudi Arabia. The qualitative process involved online interviewing of 8 experienced kindergarten teachers in Saudi Arabia. Participants in the study were chosen via purposive sampling. The results of the study showed that 84% (N = 225) of the participants used IRA in their classroom. The results also showed that the majority of teachers (55.56%, n=125) believe that IRA has an impact on the comprehension skills of their students. Only 2.2%, (N=5) strongly disagreed with that opinion. The qualitative findings showed that the interviewed teachers all believed IRA is an effective tool for developing students’ language skills, comprehension, and engagement in interactive story reading. The qualitative findings revealed that the interviewed teachers faced a variety of challenges when implementing IRA, including a lack of appropriate resources, particularly age-appropriate children's books suitable for IRA; a lack of clear guidelines and training on IRA; and a lack of significant parental involvement. The researcher concludes by stating that the mentioned challenges need to be addressed and the use of IRA in kindergarten needs to be encouraged in Saudi Arabia.194en-USKeywords: Interactive read aloudcomprehension skillsteachers’ practicesteacher’s strategieskindergarten childrenSaudi Arabia.TEACHERS’ PERSPECTIVES ON THE IMPACT OF INTERACTIVE READ ALOUD STRATEGIES FOR COMPREHENSION SKILLS OF SAUDI KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS: A MIXED METHOD STUDYThesis