SefaNyarko, ClementAlqarni, Khalid2024-02-052024-02-052023-12-01 decision made by Bush and Blair to invade Iraq was one of the most questionable decisions in the global foreign affairs in the last 50 years due to the lengthy war that occurred after the invasion which resulted in the insecurity that came in Iraq and the region. Such a major decision by two top leaders in the global foreign affairs needs to be studied based on leadership studies. Hence, this research will adapt the process-based leadership analytical framework in order to analyse the whole invasion starting from the history that led to the decision, and how both leaders emerged to make such a decision. This is to reach the main aim of this research which is to measure the effectiveness of Bush and Blair decision to go to war in Iraq. The analysis of the decision ended in showing how ineffective was both Bush and Blair decision on the U.S., UK and Iraq because it led to a deadly civil war, death of Americans and British soldiers, and large civilian death toll. furthermore, the decision led to long lasting consequences which impacted the following governments of Bush and Blair such as sectarian war in Iraq, economical effect on the U.S, UK, emerge of ISIS. The current studies of leadership did not take this major event to account as a situation, but rather it was examined based on the leaders themselves. Thus, this research adapted the process-based leadership approach because events in regards of conflict and peace needs to be studied through the situation not the leaders, because it will help to measure the effectiveness and detect any new emerging situation that needs a new leader to emerge. However, studying a case through the leader will end in judging the leader of being good or bad, and this is not helpful in reaching a solution if the process was ineffective.72enGlobal LeadershipPeace buildingProcess-based leadershipGeorge W.BushUnited StatesUnited KingdomTony Blair2003 Invasion of Iraqdecision makingIraqleadership effectivenessBush and Blair’s decision to invade IraqThesis