Ossikovski, RazvigorAlBugami, Bandar2023-09-252023-09-252023-03-10R. Ossikovski, B. Al Bugami, E. Garcia-Caurel, S. R. Cloude, Polarizer calibration method for Mueller matrix polarimeters, Appl. Opt. 59 (2020) 10389-10395. DOI: 10.1364/AO.409799.......Other Citation.... => B. Al Bugami, Y. Su, C. Rodríguez, A. Lizana, J. Campos, M. Durfort, R. Ossikovski, E. Garcia-Caurel, Characterization of vine, Vitis vinifera, leaves by Mueller polarimetric microscopy in the visible spectrum, ICSE 9, Beijing, China (2022).NNT : 2023IPPAX028https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14154/69240The polarimetric microscope developed within the framework of this thesis in collaboration with the Synchrotron SOLEIL, is the first to combine the possibility of performing bimodal imaging of the real and Fourier planes with a complete analysis of the polarization of light over a very wide spectral range. from visible to mid-infrared. Much more than a demonstrator, the microscope is a real research instrument integrated within the SMIS infrared synchrotron beamline at the service of the scientific community. The optical design made it possible to create the optical and mechanical device that constitutes the microscope. The polarimetric design has made it possible to develop an innovative, robust and simple polarimeter optical configuration and control mode. This gives the polarimeter a clear advantage over other technologies, and allows to consider a possible commercial exploitation. A new method of polarimetric calibration, called the polarizer method, initially adapted for the polarimetric microscope, is also useful for calibrating polarimeters working in extreme spectral ranges for which few solutions exist. The manuscript ends with the description of an example of application consisting in the study of the response of vine leaves and its components by polarimetric imaging in the visible and infrared domains. The visible images made it possible to identify the presence of crystallite aggregates called raphides, and the infrared images made it possible to determine their chemical composition.164frPolarimetryInfrared MicroscopyMultispectral imagingMultimodal imagingImagerie Microscopique Multimodale Polarimétrique Visible et Infrarouge Couplée à des Sources de Lumière Laser Accordable et SynchrotronThesis