Wide Area Damping Control to Improve Transient Stability and Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) Implementation
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In this dissertation, the impacts of WADCs on system transient stability are investigated,
including system separation prevention under large disturbances and tie-line power transfer
limit enhancement with consideration of a three-phase fault on one of the two tie-lines.
The full Saudi power grid model in PSS/e is reduced for the real-time simulation on the
Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS), and thus the developed WADCs can be tested in a
controller hardware-in-the-loop environment in the future. The RTDS model is validated by
comparing the full PSS/e model and the reduced PSS/e model under different contingencies.
The WADCs are designed using a measurement-driven approach. The system separation
prevention and tie-line power transfer limit by these WADCs are demonstrated by the
real-time simulations on the RTDS. Moreover, the performance of the developed WADC
was validated on the HIL test setup under different scenarios, including measurement
error/noise, constant and stochastic time delay, consecutive and stochastic data package
loss, and multiple PMUs as a backup. The experiment results demonstrate that the
developed WADC can provide sufficient damping to suppress the targeted oscillation mode.
Meanwhile, with multiple WADCs, the system separation after a large amount generation
trips can be prevented. Also, the transfer limit of the tie-line can be further enhanced.
The WADC performance will be evaluated under realistic operating conditions, including
communication uncertainties and measurement error. The CompactRIO system was used
to implement the WADC. The CompactRIO system is a general-purpose controller provided
by National Instruments (NI) for prototyping. Using a hybrid TSAT-RTDS simulation, a
HIL testing platform was built to imitate realistic conditions with several communication
network uncertainties and impairments. The hardware WADC was tested in the HIL setup,
where several auxiliary function modules were implemented within the WADC. The WADC
viwas validated during testing to ensure satisfactory performance under realistic operating
conditions. The impacts of the higher PV penetration on the rotor angle stability and interarea oscillations are also investigated. It has been known that the inter-area oscillations are
significantly affected by the increasing amount of PV generation since the system inertia is
reduced. The impacts of WADCs on small-signal stability and system transient stability are
investigated when the SEC system is integrated with high PV penetration. The marginal
generation trip and tie-line power transfer limit enhancement considering a three-phase fault
on one of the major tie-line.