Saudi Cultural Missions Theses & Dissertations

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    الأحكام القانونية لعقد العمل الإلكتروني في النظام السعودي/ دراسة مقارنة
    (جامعة عمان العربية, 2024) الرويلي, نايف; القضاة, منذر
    يعد عقد العمل الإلكتروني من العقود الحديثة التي تستدعي تأطيرًا قانونيًا متكاملًا في النظام السعودي بما يتوافق مع التطورات العالمية حيث يتطلب ذلك مراجعة مستمرة للأحكام القانونية وتعديل القوانين لتلبية احتياجات العصر الرقمي مع الحفاظ على حقوق كل من العامل وصاحب العمل، وهدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على الأحكام القانونية لعقد العمل الإلكتروني في النظام السعودي/ دراسة مقارنة، وفي النظام السعودي يُعترف بالتوقيع الإلكتروني بموجب نظام المعاملات الإلكترونية، الذي يحدد أن أي عملية تتعلق بالتوثيق الإلكتروني تعتبر صحيحة قانونيًا، بما في ذلك عقود العمل، حيث يُمكن للطرفين في عقد العمل الإلكتروني استخدام التوقيع الإلكتروني كوسيلة لإثبات عقد العمل وتوثيقه، أما في القانون الأردني فإن قانون المعاملات الإلكترونية الأردني يُعترف أيضًا بالتوقيع الإلكتروني كأداة قانونية، ويُشترط أن يكون التوقيع الإلكتروني موثوقًا ومقبولًا في المعاملات القانونية، وقد أوصت الدراسة بانه يجب تطوير تشريعات أكثر تفصيلًا وتنظيمًا بشأن عقود العمل الإلكترونية، بما في ذلك توضيح آليات التوثيق والتوقيع الإلكتروني لضمان حماية حقوق العمال بشكل أكبر، كما يُوصى بإصدار قوانين تنظم العلاقات العمالية عبر الإنترنت بشكل صريح تركز على توثيق العقود الإلكترونية والمساواة في الحقوق بين العمال المحليين والدوليين.
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    Adult Foster Homes in an Aging America: Trends, Effects, and Operational Challenges (2017–2023)
    (Oregon Health and Science University, 2024) Albalawi, Wafi; Chair, Paula Carder; Tunalilar, Ozcan; Messer, Lynne; Carlson, Bryant
    Background: As the aging U.S. population grows, the demand for long-term care services (LTCS) is rising. Adult Foster Homes (AFHs), small residential care settings providing personalized support for older adults, play a critical role in meeting this demand. However, limited research has focused on AFHs compared to other LTCS options. This dissertation examines Oregon’s AFH holistically by assessing home characteristics, resident’s status and health needs, and the experiences of operators, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Utilizing data from the Oregon Community-Based Care study (2017–2023), this mixed methods research integrates quantitative trend analyses and qualitative content analysis. It explores three key aims: (1) identifying trends in residents' health conditions, service utilization, and medication use; (2) assessing associations between AFH characteristics and healthcare outcomes; and (3) capturing operators' perspectives on rewards and challenges during the pandemic. Results: Findings reveal high prevalence rates of dementia and polypharmacy among residents, with increasing medication use and stable trends in ADL needs. Family involvement significantly declined during the pandemic but showed partial recovery post-restrictions. Operators highlighted meaningful rewards, such as resident care and autonomy, alongside challenges like regulatory burdens and low Medicaid reimbursement rates. Conclusion: By highlighting the unique attributes, resident health needs, and operational challenges of AFHs in Oregon, this study brings critical attention to an often-overlooked long-term care option
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    رسالة ماجستير بعنوان دراسة اقتصادية للفجوة الغذائية من اللحوم الحمراء وأثرها علي الامن الغذائي بالمملكة العربية السعودية
    (جامعة عين شمس, 2024) الحراجين, نواف; شحاته, محمد سيد
    يواجه القطاع الزراعي السعودي العديد من التحديات التي تتمثل في محدودية الموارد الأرضية الصالحة للزراعة، وقلة المتاح من المياه، وعدم ملائمة الظروف المناخية؛ فضلاً عن عدم الاستغلال الأمثل للموارد المتاحة في كثير من الأحيان، وقد أدى ذلك إلى وجود فجوة ما بين احتياجات الأفراد وما يتم إنتاجه محلياً من معظم السلع الغذائية، نتيجة لتزايد الطلب على السلع الغذائية بمعدلات تفوق معدلات نمو الإنتاج لتلك السلع، وهو ما يُعزى إلى عاملي الزيادة السكانية الطبيعية من ناحية وارتفاع مستويات الدخول لأفراد المجتمع نتيجة ما يجري من عمليات التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية بمختلف مناطق المملكة، ومن ثم زيادة الطلب على المنتجات الغذائية من ناحية أخرى. حيث تشير الإحصاءات المتاحة إلى وجود فجوة غذائية في المملكة العربية السعودية في كل من اللحوم الحمراء، ولحوم الدواجن بلغت عام 2022م حوالي 198.4، 534.5 ألف طن على الترتيب، وهذه الفجوة تتزايد من سنة لأخرى، الأمر الذي يستلزم الاهتمام بهذا القطاع الحيوي والتوسع في المشروعات الإنتاجية واتخاذ السياسات اللازمة لتحقيق الأمن الغذائي وتقليل حجم تلك الفجوة بالمملكة.
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    فاعلية التدريب والتطوير في عصر العولمة والتحول الرقمي وأثره على العاملين في شركات البتروكيميائيات في مدينة الجبيل الصناعية
    (كلية البحرين الجامعية, 2025-01) الرشيدي, محمد; العلوي, هيثم
    1- الاهمية العملية للدراسة تكمن الأهمية العلمية للدراسة في النقاط التالي: - 1-توضيح المفاهيم الأساسية للتدريب والتطوير والعولمة والتحول الرقمي. 2-تسليط الضوء على التدريب والتطوير واهميتهما في تحسين الاداء للعاملين 3-الاثراء العلمي الذي تضفيه نتائج الدراسة لتوضيح الاسس العلمية لبرامج التدريب والتطوير والتقنيات الرقمية 4-توضيح الايجابيات والسلبيات للتحول الرقمي في عصر العولمة وكيفية الاستفادة منها في ضوء نتائج الدراسة الاهمية العلمية للدراسة تمثلت الأهمية العملية للدراسة، فيما يلي: - 1-بيان العلاقة بين فاعلية التدريب والتطوير والتحول الرقمي وأثرها على اداء العاملين 2-- مدى نجاح برامج التدريب والتطوير في عصر العولمة على أسس علمي ومنهجيو التأكيد على دور التدريب ومدى فهم وزيادة تطوير ومهارات العاملين 3-تكمن اهمية البحث الاساسية في النتائج المتوقعة منه والتي يمكن ان تساهم في تفعيل والتدريب والتطوير داخل المنظمات بفاعلية من اجل تطوير اداء العاملين بها.
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    IoT Device Security Evaluation
    (cardiff university, 2022-01) Alonazi, Amjad; Theodorakopoulos, George
    Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to take the major portion of computing. In the come years. The lack of inbuilt security and security protocols in cheap IoT devices give privilege to an attacker to exploit these device's vulnerabilities and break into the target device. Penetration testing is generally used to identify the vulnerabilities/ possible attacks on these devices. To this effect an extensive penetration testing was carried to evaluate the security postures of the Tapo Smart Plug P100 a product of TP-Link Technologies Co. Ltd, a compact wireless smart plug which uses 802.11b/g/n IEEE standards Bluetooth version 4.2 and above for connecting to the phone. Based on the evaluation on the device the following vulnerabilities were discovered, weak user’s password policy implementation, opened ports which were running compromisable services, weak and outdated cryptographic protocols, unencrypted network packets for users with exclusive network access and insufficient security validation for Web server, FTP and HTTP. All these shows the paradigm shift on the perspective that IoT had a few attacks surface. This clearly demonstrates the extent on how a cyber attacker can often use multiple attack surfaces on vulnerabilities devices of to reach the target device and breach confidentiality, authentication, and availability
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    Study of clinicopathological factors related to recurrence, metastasis, and prognosis in lower gingival squamous cell carcinoma
    (Hokkaido University, 2025-03) Alanazi, Hamad Khalaf; Wataru, Kakuguchi; Yoichi, Ohiro
    Lower gingival squamous cell carcinoma (LGSCC) poses a unique challenge in oncology due to its frequent early bone invasion, a characteristic stemming from its anatomical location. This often results in an overrepresentation of T4 staging within the traditional TNM system, which primarily relies on tumor size and extent. Consequently, the TNM staging may not accurately reflect the true biological behavior and prognosis of LGSCC, as it neglects other critical factors influencing disease progression. This study aimed to address this discrepancy by investigating the limitations of the current TNM system in predicting LGSCC outcomes and identifying additional prognostic factors that could contribute to a more comprehensive and accurate risk assessment. To investigate the limitations of the standard TNM staging system in lower gingival squamous cell carcinoma (LGSCC), a retrospective analysis was performed on 104 patients treated at Hokkaido University Hospital. This study expanded beyond traditional TNM staging by incorporating detailed histopathological evaluations, including YK classification for bone invasion, worst pattern of invasion (WPOI), grade of differentiation, and depth of invasion (DOI). Utilizing Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and chi-squared tests, the study aimed to identify additional prognostic factors that could refine risk assessment, demonstrating that DOI, patient age, and WPOI, in conjunction with traditional T staging, significantly influence disease outcomes, emphasizing the necessity of incorporating histopathological features for more accurate LGSCC prognostication.
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    Vortex-Induced Photo-Contact Electrification Synthesis of Func6onal Metal Nanomaterials
    (Flinders University, 2025-03-13) Alotaibi, Badriah; Raston, Colin
    Metal nanomaterials with precise control over their shape, morphology, and size (ranging from nanometers to micrometers), have gain significant interest due to the unique chemical, physical, thermal, op5cal, mechanical, and conduc5ve proper5es. These materials hold an immense poten5al for a wide range of applica5ons par5cularly in catalysis. Over the years, various synthesis methods have been developed including boAom-up and top-down. A notable progress has been occurred using these methods, for controlling the synthesis of zero-dimensional (0D), onedimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures. However, there are several limita5ons and challenges that s5ll to be address, including the necessity of using high amounts of reagents, long processing 5me, the use of chemical stabilisers, the high cost of the associated complex processing, and scalability issue. This dissertation focuses on creating a paradigm shift in metal nanomaterials synthesis to overcome its limitation, by using the Vortex Fluidic Device (VFD) which is a continuous flow reactor utilizing rotating liquid tubes to generate a dynamic thin film. This can enhance chemical reactions through increased mass transfer, micro-mixing, and shear stress applied to the dynamic thin film of liquid. Thin film microfluidics offer numerous benefits in chemical processing due to their large surface-to-volume ratios, resulting in reduced reaction times, precise control over residence time and temperature, enhanced safety measures, and crucially enable scalability considerations from the initial stages of research. This contribute significantly to the development of environmentally sustainable processes that are also economically feasible. My PhD research aimed at utilizing a cutting-edge VFD to establish an unprecedented method of generating pristine gold (Au), silver (Ag), and rhenium(Re) nanoparticles and gold@graphene oxide (Au@GO) nanocomposite, where the size and morphology of nanoparticles can be controlled in water and in the absence of added reducing agents or other excipients such as surfactants. This involves UV irradiation of an aqueous metal source in a thin film of liquid generated in the VFD within a rapidly rotating quartz tube, resulted in a charge transfer between dielectric surfaces during contact and separation known as Contact Electrification (CE). The CE phenomena occur at the solid (tube surface)-liquid interface, forming reactive oxygen species present, competing with CE reduction of metal on the surface of the tube coupled with the photo-induced oxidation of water. The findings establish a paradigm for VFD processing in water under such UV irradiation involving photo-induced CE, which allows access to different nanoparticles crystallization of 1D, 2D, 3D structures and composite materials beyond what is possible using traditional batch processing strategies, with the surfaces pristine and the overall processing having beneficial green chemistry metrics. These metal nanomaterials show promising potential for catalysis applications along with other possible uses currently under investigation. The VFD offers the advantage of synthesising nanomaterials by employing simple one-step methods that eliminate the use of chemical stabilizers and surfactants, while maintaining scalability.
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    Non-Surgical Approaches for Management of Gummy Smile
    (Ulster University, 2024) Bin Bakheet, Taghreed; Yassin, Oula
    1. Purpose The management of gummy smiles, characterized by an excessive gingival display of more than 2-3 mm, has become increasingly relevant due to the growing aesthetic concerns among patients. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and durability of non-surgical approaches, including Botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A), hyaluronic acid (HA), and micro-autologous fat transplantation (MAFT), for treating gummy smiles. The focus is on assessing these methods' effectiveness in reducing gingival display and improving patient satisfaction. 2. Methods A narrative literature review was conducted, sourcing studies from PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Open Gray. The inclusion criteria focused on adult patients with gummy smiles treated exclusively through non-surgical methods, with a follow-up period of at least six months. Quality was assessed using the CASP and Cochrane risk-of-bias tools. 3. Results The review included eight studies. Five utilized BTX-A, showing significant, though temporary, reductions in gingival display and high patient satisfaction rates. One study on HA fillers demonstrated significant improvement in gummy smiles, with effects lasting up to eight months. MAFT provided the longest-term results up to 12 months, although it was limited by a small sample size. Overall, most studies reported high levels of patient satisfaction, and a significant reduction in the excessive gingival display indicating the effectiveness of these non-surgical treatments for gummy smiles. 4. Conclusions Non-surgical treatments for gummy smiles, including BTX-A, HA, and MAFT, have shown promising results in reducing gingival display and enhancing patient satisfaction. Despite there are some methodological limitations, these treatments provide feasible alternatives to surgical procedures. However, further research with larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods is recommended.
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    Assessing the Efficiency of Environmental DNA and Metabarcoding for Conservation of the Barred Grass Snakes (Natrix helvetica)
    (University of Sheffield, 2024-10-25) Ben Qasem, Nasser; Freckleton, Robert; Burke, Terry
    The rapidly developing technology of DNA analysis has gained much significance in biology, offering non-invasive methods to study the conservation ecology of elusive, cryptic, and endangered species. In the last decade, environmental DNA survey (eDNA) and metabarcoding methods have been increasingly used to study aquatic, semi-aquatic, marine, and terrestrial organisms. Moreover, most investigations into environmental DNA and metabarcoding have focused on amphibians and fish while limited to reptiles. This thesis explores the efficiency of environmental DNA (eDNA) for detecting the presence of barred grass snakes (Natrix helvetica) and metabarcoding for analysing diet habits, highlighting these methods as practical tools for conserving reptile species. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is genetic material, such as urine, faeces, saliva, slough skin, and gametes of target species, that is released into the environment. This genetic material is then extracted from environmental samples such as water, soil, sediment, and air. We developed and validated a novel species-specific qPCR assay to detect N. helvetica from two environmental samples (water from the ponds and roller swabs of entire artificial cover objects (ACO)). The results proved the assay's efficiency, specifically and sensitivity in detecting N.helvetica at low concentrations of eDNA. At the same time, water eDNA samples yielded reliable detections compared to roller samples. However, we suggest that using an ACO that is flat in shape with a non-porous surface could enhance eDNA recovery and improve detection rates. To further understand the dietary habits of N. helvetica, the metabarcoding approach, in which different universal primers were used to detect multiple species of prey, was performed using faecal samples collected from two distinct populations. Our results found amphibians as the primary dietary component, supplemented by small mammals, birds, and insects, with dietary variations observed across age, sex, and populations. We recommend that future monitoring and conservation strategies incorporate eDNA and metabarcoding, as these tools offer precise, cost-effective alternatives to traditional surveys for reptiles, contributing to biodiversity protection and habitat management.
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    Multiple Perspectives of Data Breaches in Higher Education Institutions (HEI): A Case of Universities In Saudi Arabia
    (University College London, 2024) Almugamisi, Haifa; Lomas, Elizabeth; Sexton, Anna
    This study investigates the significant risks posed by data breaches within Saudi organisations, with a particular emphasis on higher education (HE) institutions due to their extensive collection of personal data and early adoption of new technologies. It explores the multidimensional impacts of such breaches, including technical, organisational, and personal dimensions, as well as emotional aspects. The research aims to investigate the causes, risks, policies, mitigation strategies, and perspectives of a range of stakeholders concerning data protection. It seeks to understand the cultural complexities of data security in Saudi Arabia by utilising a convergent mixed-methods approach. The study examines two prominent universities for the case study contexts: King Saud University (KSU) and Taibah University (TaibahU). Through interviews with 15 managers and surveys distributed to 191 students and 70 faculty members, this research achieves a holistic understanding of personal data protection and captures the diverse risks and impacts of data breaches. Semi-structured interviews and a survey containing both closed and open-ended questions were used as data collection tools. The research was carefully designed to account for and mitigate power imbalances and potential researcher bias. In addition, it considered the challenges of collecting data on a sensitive and complex topic, namely, data security. The findings reveal multiple risks in HE institutions, technical (e.g., malicious attacks and phishing), organisational (e.g., reputational damage), and personal (e.g., emotional responses including fear, anger, anxiety, shock) impacts. The study identified the critical impact of data breaches and the need for Saudi HE institutions to adopt the recently established national framework for data protection. This necessitates updating security policies, categorising data, engaging stakeholders in data processing, establishing structured protocols for managing breaches, and devising various mitigation strategies, such as offering compensation. Additionally, the research emphasises the importance of understanding personal risk, including the cultural significance of 'over trust', which influences the Saudi data security environment. Consequently, it proposes that universities should implement robust security protocols that consider technical, organisational, and personal (emotional) aspects. A holistic response is required, including comprehensive data governance frameworks, clear response plans for data risks, and security training programmes at all organisational levels. The study highlights the importance of understanding cultural and social contexts when establishing data governance programmes. This work provides valuable insights for developing and delivering data protection and governance programmes within the Saudi context. Furthermore, it offers recommendations for the global university sector.
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