Use of microtubes in the design of optimized trickle irrigation network

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Saudi Digital Library


In a country like Saudi Arabia where water is premium and brackish, trickle irrigation systems become an attractive alternative for conserving water. Usually microtubes are used as emitters in the trickle irrigation network to deliver the same amount of water throughout the network. Microtubes have many advantages compared to other emitters. A comprehensive methodology for the design of microtube trickle irrigation system is, therefore needed. A chart and nomographs have been developed for the design of microtube emitters to deliver the same amount of discharge by all microtubes along the network. In the case of coiled microtubes, design chart and nomographs have been modified. A computer program too has been developed for the designers who have access to computing systems for the design of microtube emitters with and without coils. For the design of laterals a computer program has been developed. All the lateral design cases have been taken into consideration in the development of the program.






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