Evaluation of load transfer in axially loaded repaired concrete columns
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The harsh and highly corrosive environment in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia results in corrosion of reinforcement and subsequent cracking and spalling of concrete. Corrosion of reinforcing steel is also prevalent in columns at ground level, due to the presence of groundwater by capillary action. The deterioration in primary load carrying members poses a potential threat to overall structural integrity. When a patch repair of deteriorated column is carried out, its effectiveness in restoring the original stress pattern is not known. Repair material properties and the effect of carrying out repairs in columns in loaded or unloaded state is believed to play an important role in magnitude of stresses developed in repair layer and concrete core.
An experimental investigation was carried out to assess the behavior and performance of a patch repair in an axially loaded column. It is found that the key repair material parameters, which play a central role in the distribution of loads in a patch repaired column and its long-term behavior includes the compressive modulus of elasticity E, free compressive creep strain ∑cr, free shrinkage strain ∑sh, and tensile strength ∫t.
The magnitude of stress and load distribution between the repair and concrete in columns repaired in unloaded state depends upon the relative modulus of elasticity of the repair and concrete at the age of loading. In the repair layer, the stress is significantly affected due to the time dependent phenomenon of creep and shrinkage. The stress in repair relaxes with time depending upon the magnitude of elastic strains due to restrained shrinkage and creep developed in repair. The concrete core also looses some stress with time due to creep in the concrete. The loss of stress in repair and concrete is accompanied with a substantial increase in stress in steel. The repair layer however, functions as an integral part of the column in resisting loads.
In columns, which are repaired in loaded state, it is found that the patch repair does not play an effective role in resisting the loads coming on the column. The restraint provided to the time dependent phenomenon of shrinkage in the repair layer results in tensile stresses in the repair which may lead to cracking if it exceeds the tensile strength capacity of repair layer. For performing effective patch repair in deteriorated columns, it is highly recommended to relieve the structure from loads, at least partially, and then proceed for patch repair.