Temperature Dependent Partition Coefficients of Cyclohexylamine and Ethanolamine Between Octanol and Water Phases.pdf.pdf
This study has investigated temperature dependence of octanol/water partition
coefficients of cyclohexylamine and ethanolamine in temperature ranges of 5 to 25°C for
cyclohexylamine and 17.5 to 25°C for ethanolamine. Experiments are largely based on a method
developed by a researcher at the University of South Florida, which can help reduce chemical
waste, save effort and time, and generate more reliable results. The study has found that the
partition coefficient of cyclohexylamine is higher than that of ethanolamine, consistent with
literature results. This also indicates that our approach is probably valid. By investigating
correlation between chemical descriptors and partition coefficients of more than 1500 amine
chemicals theoretically, we have shown that cyclohexylamine has higher values for descriptors
that are positively correlated with logP. In addition, it has been found that temperature influences
the partition coefficient of ethanolamine more than that of cyclohexylamine, probably due to
smaller molecule size of ethanolamine. The partition coefficient of cyclohexylamine has a
seemingly inverse relationship with temperature. On the other hand, temperature dependence of
ethanolamine is more complicated. Moreover, we have determined thermodynamics of partition
process including enthalpy, entropy, and free energy. Overall, these findings could be used to
better assess their potential risks to public health.
Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Partition Coefficient Between Octanol and Water, Solubility, Amines