Impact of Employee Motivation on Organizational Productivity
Nowadays, motivation is gaining an importance in organizations due to its impacts on profits of the
organization. Employee motivation boost up the performance of an employee and overall effectiveness
of the organization. Lack of motivation can often lead to poor organizational performance with low
effectiveness of the workers. The core elements in running a highly productive organization are highly
motivated and satisfied employees. The primary objective of the research is to identify the specific
motivation factors, both intrinsic as well as extrinsic, based on theories of motivation, which have a
compelling effect on job performance, effectiveness of the organization and ultimately levels of
productivity at a workplace. The study adopted both primary and secondary research methods to
collect, analyze and determine the impact of motivation factors on organizational productivity. A well structured online survey was used a main research tool which was administered to 100 respondents.
Following the survey, the data was investigated through statistical graphs and charts. The results
revealed that both intrinsic as well as extrinsic factors of motivation such as personal and professional
growth, incentives and financial benefits and opportunity to growth as well as recognition have
significant effects on effectiveness which leads to increase in productivity levels. Furthermore, this
study recommended organizations need to emphasize upon examining the factors which motivate each
employee to ensure their effectiveness rises.
Motivation, organizational behavior, effectiveness