Non-State Actors as Cyber Operation Participants: Extending the Law of State Responsibility to Non-State Actors Engaged in Cyber Operations and Attacks
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The role of Non-State Actors in both International Law and International
Humanitarian law, has presented an issue for legal scholars for some time, and as yet
it is without a definitive answer. In the context of cyber operations, both at apparent
times of peace and in times of international armed conflict, this adds a further layer of
complexity to the attribution of State Responsibility for such attacks. Thus, within this
study these issues are examined through looking at the international law of State
Responsibility and attribution, with a focus on the changing customary norms and soft
law instruments that could be adapted to assist States in accepting the positive
obligation of customary International Law to take action to prevent and disrupt such
attacks, as the “carrot” approach, and the assignment of responsibility to states for the
actions of non-state actors (NSAs) through the doctrines of effective and overall
control as the opposing “stick”. Furthermore, it looks at how a States lack of action
can be considered “complicity” in order to frame up how the “soft law” instruments of
the Draft Articles of State Responsibility and the Tallinn Manual on the International
Law of Cyber Operations can combine to create a persuasive political and diplomatic
international obligation upon States, which would serve to prevent, mitigate and
disrupt State use of Non-State Cyber Actors as proxies in their covert cyber
International Law, Non-State Actors, Cyber Operations, Attribution, State Responsibility. Cyber-Attacks