Interactive Visualization and Analysis Dashboard for Social Media Networks and Multivariate Data

dc.contributor.advisorCantu, Alma
dc.contributor.authorAldawsari, Luluh
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this project is to provide a tool to explore multivariate aspects of networks. The tool will be modified to allow the visualization of network data. It will also be used to visualize the relationships between entities, the overall structure of graphs, and other metrics. The tool can be a valuable resource for experts or businesses that are seeking exploration, knowledge extraction, and community behaviors. It may help them to address the limitations in their ability to capture the complexity of community behaviors and facilitate their realization of the organization and interrelationships among communities. The resulting dashboard will offer advanced visualization techniques that may contribute towards depicting user behaviors and facilitate the interpretation of community behaviors. Moreover, it may be advantageous to use the previously mentioned measures and metrics with data that exhibits heterogeneity. The presented dashboard provides an analysis of network characteristics and node features. It can offer valuable insights for individuals, experts, and businesses seeking to comprehend the complex nature of community behaviors and effectively understand the organizational and connected dynamics across communities. The aim of this project is to visualize multivariate data (such as network data) in order to understand community behaviors. This will be accomplished by modifying an existing visualization tool to allow the visualization of network data using the d3 library that is in JavaScript.
dc.description.abstractResearching the fusion of data visualization, network analysis and interactive elements, especially when dealing with a significant number of nodes, is beneficial for examining the social behaviors and connections of people. Indeed, it can open avenues for future research into data-driven insights and targeted communication strategies. We introduce an interactive dashboard developed using the JavaScript d3.js library to visualize Facebook network data. The dashboard shows node metrics and network metrics to identify influential nodes through degree centrality and other metrics. Additionally, community detection using Louvain algorithms clusters the network into communities. Node features, representing various user characteristics, are visualized through a parallel coordinate plot, revealing trends and correlations. The dashboard is made interactive with tooltips, click events, and node dragging for an effortless user experience. Its success in presenting network structures and user insights holds promising implications for marketing strategies and decision-making. Overall, this research contributes to the field of data visualization and network analysis, offering valuable tools for understanding social network dynamics and optimizing digital communication strategies. The interactive dashboard empowers users to explore and gain valuable insights from complex network data, paving the way for future advancements in the realm of data-driven insights and targeted marketing efforts
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dc.publisherSaudi Digital Library
dc.subjectData visualization
dc.subjectnetwork analysis
dc.subjectinteractive elements
dc.subjectsocial behavior analysis
dc.titleInteractive Visualization and Analysis Dashboard for Social Media Networks and Multivariate Data
dc.typeThesis Computer Sciences Sciences and Visualization University's Degree


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