Interpersonal Apology Strategies and Response to Apology in Saudi Arabia
This research is aimed at investigating the apology strategies and responses to apology employed
by Saudis in speech acts. In investigating the apology strategies and response to apology, the
study also explores the different factors that could affect the choice of these strategies such as
age, gender, social power and social distance.
A mixed-methods approach is adopted, grounded in speech act theory and using a discourse
completion task (DCT) and semi-structured interviews. Focus groups are used for piloting
purposes. There were 89 participants involved in the focus groups, which contributed to the
development of the DCT situations and identification of apology and response strategies. A total
of 276 participants were included to answer 15 DCT situations. An additional 10 participants
were interviewed in order to gain understanding of the factors affecting the realization of the
speech acts.
The study found that the most used apology strategies were offer of apology, expression of regret
and explanation of account. These apology strategies were often used in combination with other
apology strategies. A statistical significance difference in utilisation of apology strategies was
observed between males and females; for instance, females expressing more concern for the
hearer, while males more inclined to express embarrassment and offer repair than females.
However, differences in apology strategy utilisation based on age group, social distance and
social power were not found to be statistically significant. The nature of the offence, position of
the offended, words employed, and cultural upbringing were key factors considered when
apologising. Further, the use of intensifiers and religious terms helped show sincerity in
apologising and often followed an offer of repair.
In terms of apology responses, the most frequently used strategies were deflecting and
acceptance, which were often used together. The explaining response strategy was often used
with returning, thanking and religious amplifiers. The study also suggested that males employed
more returning, explaining and religious amplifiers strategies than females, and that relatively
more females than males were willing to accept an apology and actually thank the apologiser.
However, gender differences in the use of response strategies were not found to reach
statistically significance. Similarly, differences according to age group, social power and social
distance were not statistically significant. The most commonly used response phrase was ‘no
problem’, with religious amplifiers such as ‘inshallah’, ‘alhamdallah’ often used with other
response strategies (returning, explaining, thanking and disagreeing).
The study contributes in showing that apology and response speech acts are context specific. The
contextual factor of gender has more significant than age, social power or social distance in the
context of Saudi Arabia.