Saudi Arabia 2034 World Cup: analysis of the supply chain management, coordination and legacy changllenges
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Middlesex University London
The Saudi Arabian government's choice to organize the 2034 World Cup represents a
gigantic leap forward, both for the political and cultural life of the country. Placing the event
within the framework of worldwide sports diplomacy emphasizes the effect of the event that
transcends only sport (Ettinger, 2023). Nevertheless, this is much more than just a
complicated process; rather, it is an endeavour, which is carried out in front of several
difficulties, especially logistics, coordination and legacy planning (Sugden and Tomlinson,
The logistics issue that needs the most attention is the fact that holding such a big event
within the Saudi context itself creates some severe difficulties. From the transport
infrastructures to the accommodation facilities is an area that needs to be addressed to ensure
that the tournament runs smoothly and provides sportsmen and spectators a seamless event
(Olivereau, 2022). Consequently, the coordination among general governmental agencies,
sports federations, enterprises and international organizations is another big challenge that is
faced. Getting unity and harmony among these mixed entities is the main task of the
organization behind the successful World Cup (Burton and Naraine, 2023).
Additionally, after the short-term issues, are the long-term repercussions also known as the
legacy of the World Cup. This concept covers economic, social, and cultural levels, with
each level having its specific consequences. In-depth insights and analysis of these
repercussions are necessary for policymakers, urban planners and society at large to make
strategic decisions that benefit both the positive and the negative effects. The complexities
and challenges highlighted above underscore the need for a focused study on Saudi Arabia’s
unique position in hosting the 2034 World Cup
World Cup, Sports, Culture, Engagement, Successful, Events