Carbon Footprint Analysis of Cast Stone Production
With the rising environmental concerns Haddonstone is sponsoring this research
to assess and reduce their carbon footprint. This research aims to calculate and
analyse the carbon footprint associated with Haddonstone’s cast stone
production from the Brixworth, Northampton facility to reduce its carbon footprint.
The main objectives of the research are to calculate, map, and analyse the
carbon emissions; identify areas for carbon footprint reduction; and recommend
carbon footprint reduction solutions. The research started with building process
maps, collecting data, analysing data, calculating the carbon footprint following a
life-cycle assessment approach, mapping the carbon footprint using Energy
Value Stream Mapping and Sankey diagrams, analysing the results, and then
providing carbon footprint reduction recommendations. The results revealed a
total carbon footprint of 0.61888, 0.86293, 0.52460 kg CO2/kg Cast stone for the
dry mix, teclite mix, and wet mix respectively, which results in a weighted average
carbon footprint of 0.58471 kg CO2/kg Cast stone. For Haddonstone’s planters,
the decarbonization effect was found to be 0.49167 kg CO2/month. This means
that an average 20 kg planter from Haddonstone will require 23.8 months to
become carbon neutral. Raw materials, outbound transportation, packaging
materials, wood moulds making, processing materials, and waste contributed the
most to Haddonstone’s carbon footprint. Based on these results, the carbon
footprint reduction recommendations were to outsource outbound transportation
due to the low utilization, use greener packaging materials due to the high
embodied carbon, decrease wood moulds making due to the high emissions from
wood burning, and eliminate waste within the facility due to its relatively high
carbon footprint.
Carbon Footprint Reduction, Carbon Neutral, Energy Value Stream Mapping,
Haddonstone, Sankey Diagrams