Global, Local, Hybrid: Manufacturing in the Age of Disruption
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Saudi Digital Library
The economic landscape has drastically changed during the past decades,
shifting from its local characteristics into a highly global decentralized manner.
Nonetheless, the current supply chain disruptions such as the Covid-19
pandemic and materials shortages have imposed a significant challenge in terms
of managing these distributed entities. Consequently, this research aims to
construct a comprehensive understanding of the quintessential challenges,
opportunities, factors, and technologies involved in the decision-making process
of centralizing or decentralizing manufacturing systems. The research starts by
conducting a condensed systematic literature review to analyze the existing
publications on the subject topic and to determine the research gaps. Then,
qualitative data was gathered by conducting semi-structured interviews with
industrial experts in different fields to ascertain the relative importance of the main
factors affecting the manufacturing positioning decisions. Additionally, the
collected interview data was prioritized and thoroughly analyzed by utilizing the
Analytical Hierarchy Process Methodology. The analysis showed that generic
manufacturing positioning factors can be classified into primary and secondary
factors. The primary factors consist of geopolitics & economic factors, capital
costs, and accessibility to resources respectively; while secondary factors include
market & business drivers along with flexibility, agility, and responsiveness which
depend on the primary ones. Furthermore, a consolidated generic centralization
vs decentralization decision-making framework has been proposed and
Centralized Manufacturing, Decentralized Manufacturing, Facility Selection, Manufacturing Challenges, Smart Manufacturing, Framework Development, Decision Making, Analytical Hierarchy Process, DMAIC.