Technology Adoption For Language Learning Purposes In Conservative Territories In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

dc.contributor.advisorMillar, Robert McColl
dc.contributor.authorMubarak, Rami
dc.description.abstractTeaching and learning the English language have become crucial endeavours in the Arab world, specifically in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, using technology for the purposes of learning the English language has also become central to the digital students of this generation. Before the successful adoption of technology for language learning purposes take place, factors that might impact students’ behavioural intention (BI) need to be investigated, particularly in relation to students coming from conservative territories. As such, in the current study, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) was extended and utilised as a lens through which to spot these factors, whilst quantitative and qualitative methods were applied to answer the research questions. As for the number of participants, there were 220 males and 263 females. The findings indicated that learning expectancy (LE), effort expectancy (EE), attitude towards using technology (ATUT), hedonic motivation (HM), trust (TR) and habit (HT) had an influence on students’ behavioural intention (BI) towards accepting and using technology to learn the English language in technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) classrooms. In contrast, social influence (SI) and facilitating condition (FC) did not have any impact.
dc.publisherSaudi Digital Library
dc.subjectTechnology Adoption
dc.subjectLanguage Learning
dc.titleTechnology Adoption For Language Learning Purposes In Conservative Territories In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
dc.typeThesis School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture English language of Aberdeen in the English language


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