Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University
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Item Restricted A Pragmatic Analysis of the Language of Saudi and American Contemporary Newspaper Advertisements(Saudi Digital Library) Shumoukh Saud Fayad Al-FayadThe present study undertook a comparative pragmatic analysis of print advertisements in Saudi and American daily newspapersThe ads promoted different items and services, making them bound to rely on different forms of language9 0Item Restricted A Pragmatic Study of Saudi Female Children’s Ability to Answer Oral Questions as EFL Learners within the Scope of Relevance Theory(Saudi Digital Library) NASIBA ABDUL RAHMAN ALYAMIThrough this study, the researcher attempted to identify the difficulties Saudi children face when trying to communicate in the English language as EFL learners The study specifically seeks to find out if there exists a developmental trend in both young Saudi children‘s ability to answer oral context-related questions and in the strategies they use when finding it difficult to do so6 0Item Restricted ADMINISTRATIVE EFFICIENCY IN ACTIVE IN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN 3 WORLD OIL COMPANY(Saudi Digital Library) Reem Al-HabdanAs energy played an essential role in human development, unconventional energy resources of oil and gas became widely important for the modern history energy consumptions. Since 1973, the world has experienced various geopolitical changes which enabled the oil industry to respond to these changes. OPEC restrictions of oil supply to Western Europe and the United States in 1973 hiked the oil prices from US$4 to US$10 per barrel.1 0Item Restricted An Exploratory Study of Social Media Based Business among Saudi Female Entrepreneurs(Saudi Digital Library) علا خالد عبدالله اليمنيThis research is An Exploratory Study of Social Media Based Business (SMBB) among Saudi Female Entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of Saudi female entrepreneurs with SMBBs in the food sector in order to identify this group’s preferred social media platform for starting a food business. Additionally, the researcher explores influences that affect Saudi female entrepreneurs’ decisions to use social media platforms to start a food business, and their selections of2 0Item Restricted An Investigation into the Relationship BetweenCulture-awareness and Language ProficiencyAmong Female Saudi English Majors(Saudi Digital Library) Khadijah Ahmad Al-ZahraniThis study investigated the relationship that may exist between culture awareness and language proficiency Eighty-four English-major EFL Saudi female students, studying at the Girls College of Education in Onaizah7 0Item Restricted ARGUMENTATIVE DISCOURSE IN THE QUR’AN:A MODEL FOR TRANSLATION QUALITY ASSESSMENT(Saudi Digital Library) THANA MAHMOOD AL GABASHIThe study attempts to develop a translation-quality assessment model for theargumentative discourse of the messengers and their people as presented in the Qur’an2 0Item Restricted Building Trust in Social Commerce Businesses: A Study of the Perceptions of Female Consumers in Saudi Arabia(Saudi Digital Library) مرام فهد عبدالله ادريسDuring the last decade, online shopping has rapidly evolved from traditional electronic commerce websites to social commerce, which incorporates social media features (Stephen and Toubia 2010; Chen and Shen 2015; Zhang and Benyoucef 2016). In particular, the number of online consumers has increased. Despite the studies conducted within the field of social commerce (Eid 2011; Makki and Chang 2014; Alharethi 2016), there is a lack of understanding of women’s perceptions of trust in Saudi Arabia5 0Item Restricted Examining Emotional Quotient Assessment EQ-i 2.0 as a Tool for Developing Emotional Intelligence skill Amongst Postgraduate Female Students with Entrepreneurial Intention.(Saudi Digital Library) بشاير محمد عبدالله الميمونيEmotional intelligence has gained researchers interest ever since Goleman (1995) introduced his theory about emotional intelligence in his book that emotional intelligence can affect work performance. He argued that it is more important that any technical skills or even IQ.3 0Item Restricted Gender Variations in Requests and Apologies in the Arabic Dialect of "Al-Qassim" and the English Dialect of "California" : An Analytical Sociolinguistic Study(Saudi Digital Library) Huda Suleiman Al-QunayeerThe aim of this study was to investigate gender variations in realizing the two speech acts of requests and apologies in spoken Qassimi Arabic and spoken Californian English. The study attempted at pinpointing similarities and / or differences between Qassimi males and females on one side and Californian males and females on the other side, in realizing requests and apologies both inter-culturally and intra-culturally.21 0Item Restricted How to Use Social Media Platforms to Create, Communicate and PromoteNew Brands in Saudi Arabia(Saudi Digital Library) By - Raha TahaThe involvement of social media platforms in our life has increased to the extentthat its users have begun to draw the most advantage of it. While theseplatforms were initially popular amongst young users, they have recently gainedmore users from other demographics too.4 0Item Restricted Impact of Working Capital Management onProfitability of Saudi Listed Companies(Saudi Digital Library) Hanan S. AlahmariThis study tests how large non-financial companies listed Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul)manage their liquidity as in working capital management to enhance their levels ofprofitability2 0Item Restricted Impersonation in Postmodern Fiction: A Reading of Philip Roth's The Human Stain, Jeffrey Eugenides's Middlesex, and David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas(Saudi Digital Library) Badriah Ali Al-TamimiAlthough it is fairly obvious that there is no consistent agreement among postmodern critics on the nature of the constitution of character, postmodern literary theory tends to address with skepticism, if not outright rejection, the conventional dichotomies pertaining to identity. This rejection of hierarchal social conditions and cultural constructs for the purpose of creating a new image and aspiring to live up to that image in the eye of the group is what I term the "impersonation phenomeno2 0Item Restricted SELECTION AND USE OF VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES AMONGSAUDI EFL STUDENTS IN THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, RIYADHUNIVESITY FOR GIRLS, IN CORRLATION WITH THEIR PROFICIENCYLEVEL(Saudi Digital Library) Ibtesam S. M. Al-OthmanThe predominant purpose of the present study is to provide an empirical account of thevocabulary learning strategies employed by Saudi female learners in their English vocabularylearning.2 0Item Restricted Staging Memory in the Twentieth Century Theatre: From Diegesis to Mimesis(Saudi Digital Library) Haya Al-OtaibiMemory, as a topic, has been a tyrant of most plays during the twentieth century. Its recurrence is unlimited by temporal, critical nor theoretical aspects. Throughout the various dramatic movements and schools, memory has provided many playwrights with a voicing means of certain concerns. Whether personal, social, or even existential, memory proved its significance in their expression.0 0Item Restricted The clients’ needs in microfinance and the support of thesustainability of micro-entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia:A case study at Jana Institution(Saudi Digital Library) Sarah Abdullah AlfawazThe number of women using microfinance in Saudi Arabia are increasing through currenttimes. With the Vision 2030 supporting entrepreneurship, women employment andempowerment, Saudi women are gradually shifting their traditional roles by developingenterprises.1 0Item Restricted The effect of economic determinants on capital structure of non-financial Islamicstructured listed companies in Saudi Arabia(Saudi Digital Library) Tahani Al- KhayyalThis study is conducted to examine how macroeconomic factors affect capital structure of non-financialand non-insurance joint stock companies in Saudi Arabia. The research applied three multiple regressionmodels to test the relation between the measures of capital structure0 0Item Restricted The Impact of Social Responsibilities particularly Environment Responsibilities on Business Reputation.(Saudi Digital Library) أريج عبدالرحمن علي مسعودThis study aims to achieve the following objectives: identify the Corporate Social Responsibilities initiatives, if any, within the oil industry in the KSA; identify the Corporate EnvironmentResponsibilities initiative particularly in the Saudi Arabian context, and measure the impact of (CSR) particularly (CER) on business reputation1 0Item Restricted The Internet and EFL Learning: An Assessment ofFemale Students' Internet Usage in Intermediateand Secondary Private Schools(Saudi Digital Library) Maha Suliman Al-QoraishiThis study was conducted to identify the extent of Internet usage by female students in Kingdom Schools, to determine the value of the Internet to students5 0Item Restricted The Intricate Psychology of thePsychopathic Criminal in RobertBrowning’s: “Porphyria’s Lover,” “MyLast Duchess,” and The Ring and the Book(Saudi Digital Library) Afra Saleh AlshibanThis thesis explores the treatment of the criminal psychopath inthree poems by the nineteenth-century English poet Robert Browning(1812-1889): “Porphyria’s Lover” (1836),0 0Item Restricted What Are the Factors Impacting Female Entrepreneurs’ Participation in Government-led Entrepreneurial(Saudi Digital Library) الجوهرة مزيد المزيدThe main objective of this thesis is to investigate and explain, using the theory of external support programs as the support option of last resort, why some Saudi female entrepreneurs contact government support programs to obtain support while others do not? This goal has not been accomplished by any other research, as previous research on support programs has been based on evaluation and impact-oriented, neglecting the important issue of low utilization rates of these programs by Saudi female5 0