Al Ula Moments Festival: Community perceptions and socio- cultural impactk
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Saudi Digital Library
This research study demonstrates the potential social impact of event tourism using the case of the Al Ula Moments Festival in Saudi Arabia. The festival presents a good case study since it illustrates the concept of event tourism in the Saudi region and allows for an exploration of the socio-cultural context. The study uses an online survey of people in the community of Al Ula. Overall, people in Al Ula and its region welcome the festival and the cultural interchange it represents and want to see it flourish. However, there are contrary voices, and it is important to ensure that the whole community is carried along in the development of Al Ula and its festival. Furthermore, as Al Ula changes, if the negative impacts identified here are not considered carefully and mitigated, opposition may grow, and social cohesion diminish. The study ends with a series of recommendations designed to help the Al Ula Moments Festival develop optimally.
social impact, Alula, Alula moment, event, Tourism, community, Festival, cultural
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