تطوير بيئة تدريبيَّة تكيُّفيَّة مُصغَّرة وفقًا لأساليب التعلُّم الحسِّيَّة وأثرها في تنمية مهارات تصميم الإنفوجرافيك والاتِّجاه نحوها لدى معلِّمات المرحلة الثانويَّة
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هدفت الدِّراسة الحاليَّة إلى تطوير بيئة تدريبيَّة تكيفيَّة مُصغَّرة وفقًا لأساليب التَّعلُّم الحسِّيَّة، وقياس أثرها في تنمية مهارات تصميم الإنفوجرافيك والاتجاه نحوها لدى مُعلِّمات المرحلة الثانويَّة بمدينة أبها، وتنتمي هذه الدِّراسة إلى فئة الدِّراسات التَّطويريَّة؛ لذا وتحقيقًا لأهداف الدِّراسة تَمَّ استخدام المنْهَج الوصفي التَّحليليّ، والمنْهَج التطويري المنظومي، وكذلك المنْهَج شبه التَّجْريبيّ القائم على تصميم المجموعتَينِ التَّجْريبيَّتَينِ ذواتَيِ القياس القَبْلي والبعدي، وتكونت عينة الدِّراسة من (۳۰) مُعلِّمة تَمَّ اختيارهنَّ عشوائيًّا من مُعلِّمات المرحلة الثَّانويَّة بمدينة أبها، وتَمَّ تقسيمهنَّ بشكل متساوٍ عشوائيًّا إلى مجموعتَينِ؛ حيث مَثَّلت المجموعة التَّجْريبيَّة الأولى المُعلِّمات اللاتي تدربن عبر البيئة التَّدريبيَّة التَّكيُّفيَّة المصَغَّرة وفقًا لأساليب التَّعلُّم الحسِّيَّة (البصري، السَّمْعي، الحركي) وضمت (15) مُعلِّمة، بينما مثَّلَت المجموعة التَّجْريبيّة الثَّانية المُعلِّمات اللَّاتِي تدرَّبْن عبر البيئة التَّدريبيَّة المصَغَّرة، وضمت (15) مُعلِّمة أيضًا، وتَمَّ تطبيق أدوات الدِّراسة الَّتي تمثَّلَت في الاختبار التَّحْصيلي، وبطاقة الملاحظة على مُعلِّمات المجموعتَينِ التَّجْريبيَّتَينِ قبليًّا وبعديًّا، ومقياس الاتجاه الذي تَمَّ تطبيقه على مُعلِّمات المجموعة التَّجْريبيّة الأولى فقط قبليًّا وبعديًّا، وبعد الانتهاء من تحليل جميع البيانات المُتعلِّقة بالدِّراسة إحصائيًّا تَمَّ التَّوصُّل إلى النَّتائج التالية: وجود فرق دالٍّ إحصائيًّا عند مستوى الدلالة (α ≤ 0.05) بين متوسطَيْ رتب درجات المُعلِّمات في المجموعتَينِ التَّجْريبيَّتَينِ في التَّطبيق البعدي للاختبار التَّحْصيلي المرتبط بالجانب المعرفي لمهارات تصميم الإنفوجرافيك الثَّابت، وذلك لصالح المجموعة التَّجْريبيّة الأولى، الَّتي تدربت من خلال البيئة التَّدريبيَّة التَّكيُّفيَّة المصَغَّرة وفقًا لأساليب التَّعلُّم الحسِّيَّة، وعدم وجود فرق دالٍّ إحصائيًّا عند مستوى الدلالة (α ≤ 0.05) بين متوسطَيْ رتب درجات المُعلِّمات في المجموعتَينِ التَّجْريبيَّتَينِ في التَّطبيق البعدي لبطاقة الملاحظة المرتبطة بالجانب الأدائيِّ لمهارات تصميم الإنفوجرافيك الثَّابت يعود إلى تأثير بيئة التَّدريب، بالإضافة إلى وجود فرق دال إحصائيًّا عند مستوى الدلالة (α ≤ 0.05) بين متوسطَيْ رتب درجات المُعلِّمات في المجموعة التَّجْريبيَّة الأولى الَّتي تدربت من خلال البيئة التَّدريبيَّة التَّكيُّفيَّة المصَغَّرة وفقًا لأساليب التَّعلُّم الحسِّيَّة في التَّطْبيقين القبلي والبعدي لمقياس الاتِّجاه نحو بيئة التَّدْريب لصالح التَّطْبيق البعدي، وفي ضوء ما أسفرت عنه نتائج الدِّراسة تَمَّ تقديم عددٍ من التوصيات والمقترحات المرتبطة بهذه النَّتائج.
The Current Study Aimed to Develop a Micro-Adaptive Training Environment According to Sensory Learning Styles and Measure its Impact on the Development of Infographic Design Skills and the Attitude towards it Among Secondary School Female Teachers in the City of Abha. This study belongs to the Category of Development Studies, So, in order to Achieve the Objectives of the Study, the Descriptive Analytical Approach, the Systemic Developmental Approach, as and the Quasi Experimental Approach based on the Design of the two Experimental Groups with pre and post Measurement were used. The Sample of the Study Consisted of (30) Female Teachers who were Randomly Selected of the Secondary School Female Teachers in the City of Abha, and they were Divided Equally Randomly into two Groups. The First Experimental Group Represented the Female Teachers who were Trained through the Micro - Adaptive Training environment According to the Sensory Learning Styles (Visual, Auditory, kinesthetic) of (15) Female Teachers, while the Second Experimental Group Represented the Female Teachers who were Trained through the Micro -training environment of (15) Female Teachers as Well. The Study Tools, (the Achievement Test and the Note Card) were pre and post Applied to the Female Teachers of the two Experimental Groups, and the Attitude Scale, which was pre and post Applied to the Female Teachers of the First Experimental Group only. After Completing the Statistical Analysis of all the Data of the Study, the Following Results were Found: There is a Statistically Significant Difference at the level of (α ≤ 0.05) between Mean Scores of the Female Teachers in the two Experimental Groups in the post-Application of the Achievement Test related to the cognitive Aspect of the fixed infographic design skills, in favor of the First Experimental Group that was Trained through the Micro - Adaptive Training Environment According to Sensory Learning Styles. There is no Statistically Significant Difference at the level of (α ≤ 0.05) between the Mean Scores of the Female Teachers in the two Experimental Groups in the post Application of the Observation Card Related to the Performance Aspect of the Fixed Infographic Design Skills due to the Effect of the Training Environment. There is also a Statistically Significant Difference at the level of Significance (α ≤ 0.05) between the mean Scores of the Female Teachers in the First Experimental Group that were Trained through the Micro- Adaptive Training Environment According to Sensory Learning Styles in the pre and post Applications of the Scale of Attitude towards the Training Environment in Favor of the post Application. Based on the Results of the Study, a Number of Recommendations and Proposals Related to these Results were Made.
The Current Study Aimed to Develop a Micro-Adaptive Training Environment According to Sensory Learning Styles and Measure its Impact on the Development of Infographic Design Skills and the Attitude towards it Among Secondary School Female Teachers in the City of Abha. This study belongs to the Category of Development Studies, So, in order to Achieve the Objectives of the Study, the Descriptive Analytical Approach, the Systemic Developmental Approach, as and the Quasi Experimental Approach based on the Design of the two Experimental Groups with pre and post Measurement were used. The Sample of the Study Consisted of (30) Female Teachers who were Randomly Selected of the Secondary School Female Teachers in the City of Abha, and they were Divided Equally Randomly into two Groups. The First Experimental Group Represented the Female Teachers who were Trained through the Micro - Adaptive Training environment According to the Sensory Learning Styles (Visual, Auditory, kinesthetic) of (15) Female Teachers, while the Second Experimental Group Represented the Female Teachers who were Trained through the Micro -training environment of (15) Female Teachers as Well. The Study Tools, (the Achievement Test and the Note Card) were pre and post Applied to the Female Teachers of the two Experimental Groups, and the Attitude Scale, which was pre and post Applied to the Female Teachers of the First Experimental Group only. After Completing the Statistical Analysis of all the Data of the Study, the Following Results were Found: There is a Statistically Significant Difference at the level of (α ≤ 0.05) between Mean Scores of the Female Teachers in the two Experimental Groups in the post-Application of the Achievement Test related to the cognitive Aspect of the fixed infographic design skills, in favor of the First Experimental Group that was Trained through the Micro - Adaptive Training Environment According to Sensory Learning Styles. There is no Statistically Significant Difference at the level of (α ≤ 0.05) between the Mean Scores of the Female Teachers in the two Experimental Groups in the post Application of the Observation Card Related to the Performance Aspect of the Fixed Infographic Design Skills due to the Effect of the Training Environment. There is also a Statistically Significant Difference at the level of Significance (α ≤ 0.05) between the mean Scores of the Female Teachers in the First Experimental Group that were Trained through the Micro- Adaptive Training Environment According to Sensory Learning Styles in the pre and post Applications of the Scale of Attitude towards the Training Environment in Favor of the post Application. Based on the Results of the Study, a Number of Recommendations and Proposals Related to these Results were Made.
بيئات التدريب التكيفيةـ بيئات التدريب المصغرـ الانفو, جرافيك ـ الاتجاه - معلمات المرحلة الثانو