القراءات الشاذة المروية عن الإمام يحيى بن وثَّاب وتوجيهها من أول سورة المائدة إلى آخر سورة الأنبياء (دراسة نظرية تطبيقية)
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Qassim University
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى دراسة القراءات الشاذّة المروية عن الإمام يحيى بن وثَّاب وتوجيهها.
وقد اشتمل هذا البحث على تمهيد؛ وفيه مقدمات عن القراءات الشاذَّة، ثمَّ تفرَّع البحث إلى قسمين: القسم الأول: (الدراسة النظرية)، وفيه فصلان: الفصل الأول: تم الحديث حول القيمة العلمية لقراءة الإمام يحيى بن وثَّاب، من خلال (التعريف به، وبيان طرق الإمام يحيى في الإقراء والرواية، ومنزلة قراءة يحيى عند أئمة القراءات، وأثر هذه القراءة على مؤلفات التفسير).
والفصل الثاني: تم ذكر أنواع القراءات الشاذة المروية عن الإمام يحيى بن وثَّاب، وهي القراءات الموافقة في المعنى لقراءة الجمهور، والقراءات المخالفة في المعنى لقراءة الجمهور، والقراءات المخالفة للأصل اللغوي، والقراءات المخالفة للإعراب النحوي، والقراءات المخالفة للوزن الصرفي، والقراءات المخالفة لرسم المصحف.
القسم الثاني: (القسم التطبيقي)، وفيه تم جمع القراءات الشاذة الواردة عن الإمام يحيى بن وثَّاب من أول سورة المائدة إلى آخر سورة الأنبياء، وقد بلغت مائة وواحد وأربعين قراءة شاذة، ودراسة هذه القراءات بذكر من وافق ابن وثَّاب عليها، واستقراء ذلك من كتب القراءات والتفسير واللغة، وبيان أثرها في التفسير واللغة -حسب ما تقتضيه القراءة-.
Abnormal readings narrated from Imam Yahya bin Wathab and their guidance from the beginning of Surat Al-Ma'idah to the end of Surat Al-Anbiya (an applied theoretical study) Researcher: Raghad bint Abdul Allah Hamad Al-Kharraz Summary This study aimed to study and guide the abnormal readings narrated from Imam Yahya bin Wathab. This research included an introduction, in which introductions to abnormal readings, then the research branched into two parts: The first section: (theoretical study), and it has two chapters: Chapter I: The scientific value of reading Imam Yahya bin Wathab was talked about, through (introducing it, explaining the ways of Imam Yahya in reading and narration, and the status of reading Yahya among the imams of readings, and the impact of this reading on the interpretation writings). And the second chapter: The types of abnormal readings narrated from Imam Yahya bin Wathab were mentioned, which are readings corresponding in meaning to the reading of the public, readings contrary in meaning to the reading of the public, readings contrary to the linguistic origin, readings contrary to the grammatical expression, readings contrary to the morphological weight, and readings contrary to the drawing of the Qur'an. The second section: (the applied section), in which the abnormal readings received from Imam Yahya bin Wathab were collected from the beginning of Surat Al-Ma'idah to the end of Surat Al-Anbiya, and it amounted to one hundred and forty-one abnormal readings, and the study of these readings by mentioning those who approved Ibn Wathab, and extrapolating that from the books of readings, interpretation and language, and explaining their impact on interpretation and language - as required by reading -.
Abnormal readings narrated from Imam Yahya bin Wathab and their guidance from the beginning of Surat Al-Ma'idah to the end of Surat Al-Anbiya (an applied theoretical study) Researcher: Raghad bint Abdul Allah Hamad Al-Kharraz Summary This study aimed to study and guide the abnormal readings narrated from Imam Yahya bin Wathab. This research included an introduction, in which introductions to abnormal readings, then the research branched into two parts: The first section: (theoretical study), and it has two chapters: Chapter I: The scientific value of reading Imam Yahya bin Wathab was talked about, through (introducing it, explaining the ways of Imam Yahya in reading and narration, and the status of reading Yahya among the imams of readings, and the impact of this reading on the interpretation writings). And the second chapter: The types of abnormal readings narrated from Imam Yahya bin Wathab were mentioned, which are readings corresponding in meaning to the reading of the public, readings contrary in meaning to the reading of the public, readings contrary to the linguistic origin, readings contrary to the grammatical expression, readings contrary to the morphological weight, and readings contrary to the drawing of the Qur'an. The second section: (the applied section), in which the abnormal readings received from Imam Yahya bin Wathab were collected from the beginning of Surat Al-Ma'idah to the end of Surat Al-Anbiya, and it amounted to one hundred and forty-one abnormal readings, and the study of these readings by mentioning those who approved Ibn Wathab, and extrapolating that from the books of readings, interpretation and language, and explaining their impact on interpretation and language - as required by reading -.
دراسة القراءات الشاذّة المروية عن الإمام يحيى بن وثَّاب وتوجيهها
رسالة، ماجستير، قراءات، شاذة, يحيى, التو, تو