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Item Restricted A Sectorial Analysis of Municipal Water Consumption and Management(Universitat Politecnica De Valencia, 2023-11-15) Alhudaithi, Musaad Abdulaziz; Arregui de la Cruz, Francisco; Cobacho Jordan, RicardoThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is undergoing substantial economic, industrial, commercial, and population growth. This growth, in turn, leads to increased water demand in the region. In addition to population growth, industrialization and modernization have placed increasing pressure on KSA’s water infrastructure. There is an urgent need to increase the water capacity to meet the projected demand and maintain the water systems' security and reliability. Therefore, it is imperative to find solutions that improve the efficiency of the Kingdom’s water system. A key element in this effort is understanding and classifying how water is consumed with its micro-components within various segments. The thesis aims to collect precise knowledge about municipal water consumption patterns and trends to understand water consumption patterns and consumer behaviors better and develop preliminary estimates and assumptions. This will drive the municipal water demand model in KSA to be capable of dealing with different scenarios and constraints. The development of the municipal water demand model highlighted the need for reliable statistical and water billing data. These form the starting point of the forecast and need to be available at a high enough resolution. The model provides a framework for the required data to be built on further. The analysis results will also determine the drivers and categories used in the model. The model focuses on the non-Residential water demand. Still, separate forecasts are included for the residential category to enable the extrapolation of the results and downward analysis for a more accurate and cost-effective bottom-up approach to forecasting and an overall better understanding of the population’s water consumption behaviors.2 0Item Restricted A Sensorial Glimpse at the Islamic Aljafería: Through the Lenses of Architecture and Culture(2023) Domyati, Haneen; Carrero Santamaría, EduardoThis research study delves into the captivating correlation between the architectural design of palaces and courtyards of Islamic Iberia and the cultural ceremonial activities of their royal court life. The Aljafería palace of the Taifa of Banu Hud, which stands as the best preserved among the small group of Taifa palaces that survived, was chosen as the center of the study. The Aljafería offers an exceptional opportunity to investigate the role of architectural space in a Taifa state. Drawing on a fundamental realization starts from the initial idea of viewing architecture as a reflection of the Andalusian historical and cultural reality. The dissertation aims to explore the relationship between the palatial architecture of the Islamic Aljafería and the court life practices assumed by its rulers, the Banu Hud Taifa kings, and how this relationship shaped the perceptual experience of the palace. To achieve this aim, a comprehensive analysis of the Islamic Aljafería was conducted through three approaches, architectural, cultural, and sensorial, with each approach uncovering an exciting layer of the complex rich history of the palace. Arabic literature was utilized as a core instrument to comprehend the cultural and religious ideologies imbued in the palace. By analyzing the architecture of the Taifa Palace in relation to the cultural beliefs and practices of the time, the dissertation has assumed a multisensorial journey of the perceptual experience of the eleventh-century beholder throughout the Taifa Palace of the Aljafería.8 0Item Restricted Assessment of bone loss adjacent to lower second molar in case of third molar impaction and other findings using Orthopantomography (OPG)(University of Barcelona, 2024-03-13) Assiri, Hassan; López-López, José; Estrugo-Devesa, AlbertIntroducción: la impactación dental es una situación patológica en la que un diente se incluye total o parcialmente en el hueso de la mandíbula o del maxilar. Diferentes dientes son notablemente propensos a los fenómenos de impactación, incluyendo el canino y el tercer molar superior, el tercer molar y el canino inferior. Sin embargo, el tercer molar inferior se considera el diente impactado más común, representando el 98% en comparación con otros dientes impactados. Por lo general, entra en erupción entre los 17 y 24 años. La prevalencia global de impactación del tercer molar inferior se estima en torno al 24%, sin predilección de género entre hombres y mujeres. Hay factores que hacen que un diente no erupcione en el tiempo esperado, incluida la falta de espacio, los gérmenes dentales mal posicionados, la vía de erupción anormal y las alteraciones del desarrollo de la mandíbula. La impactación del tercer molar mandibular tiene muchas complicaciones en el tejido blando adyacente y en el segundo molar. Así, la pericoronaritis es una de las consecuencias causadas por la impactación, que se manifiesta como inflamación del tejido gingival que la recubre. Otras complicaciones incluyen la caries distal, la pérdida ósea adyacente al segundo molar, formación quística y cambios neoplásicos. Las diferentes posiciones de los terceros molares mandibulares impactados pueden complicar el mantenimiento de la higiene oral y la placa control. Por lo tanto, el periodonto manifiesta la formación de bolsas que facilitan la perdida oseas en la cara distal del segundo molar. Además, el tercer molar mandibular está ubicado cerca del canal mandibular inferior el cual contiene el nervio alveolar inferior, la arteria y la vena correspondiente. La extracción quirúrgica de dicho diente puede ejercer un riesgo de lesión nerviosa que conduzca a disestesia o a parestesia. Además, el procedimiento de extracción del tercer molar puede ejercer una presión sobre el hueso que puede conducir a la fractura del ángulo de la mandíbula. Finalmente, la extracción puede afectar al 2º molar inferior. Por lo tanto, los procedimientos clínicos y diagnósticos son esenciales para abordar la posición del diente impactado, la patología asociada, la proximidad al canal nervioso y la decisión de intervención. La ortopantomografía (OPG) es una técnica de diagnóstico por la imagen utilizada rutinariamente en el consultorio dental, que representa al maxilar y la mandíbula en una sola imagen. Tiene la ventaja de exponer los cambios dentales y óseos en la cavidad oral, incluidos los dientes impactados. Entre las ventajas de la OPG, se encuentran su rapidez y facilida, en especial el 2º molar y el canal dentro de realización, mejor cooperación y aceptación del paciente, cobertura completa de las arcadas dentales y estructuras relacionadas (se pueden ver más estructuras anatómicas en una película panorámica que en una serie completa de radiografías intraorales), simplicidad y baja exposición a la radiación para el paciente, en comparación con la herramienta de imagen más avanzada, la tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT). Como la impactación del tercer molar es una de las patologías dentales que los odontólogos ven con frecuencia, la determinación de la posición y la relación con las estructuras cercanas, en especial el 2º molar y el canal dentario inferior, se puede predecir utilizando OPG. Hipótesis: La impactación del tercer molar causa pérdida ósea distal al segundo molar, por lo tanto, habrá ganancia ósea distal al segundo molar después de la extracción del tercer molar. molar impactado. Hipótesis nula: la impactación del tercer molar causa pérdida ósea distal al segundo molar, sin embargo, no habrá ganancia ósea distal al segundo molar después de la extracción dental del tercer molar impactado. Objetivo: determinar la pérdida ósea distal del segundo molar inferior asociada a impactación del tercer molar y analizar su evolución tras la extracción del tercer molar. Metodología: el estudio es retrospectivo de casos y controles de pacientes que visitan el Hospital Dental de la Universidad de Barcelona (HOUB). Las radiografías de los pacientes se obtuvieron desde junio 2018 hasta Agosto de 2022, y se dividieron en dos grupos: un grupo de estudio (SG) y un grupo de control (GC). El grupo de estudio contiene las imágenes de los pacientes en los que se mide el nivel óseo distal al segundo molar antes y después de la extracción del tercer molar impactado mandibular, mientras que el grupo control incluye las imágenes de pacientes que no realizan la exodoncia de sus terceros molares mandibulares impactados, en los que el nivel óseo se mide dos veces en un período de al menos 3-6 meses. Pérdida ósea distal al segundo molar se midió en ambos grupos y se comparó. Las mediciones se realizan utilizando la herramienta asociada al dispositivo de radiografía panorámica [DICOM]. Las variables analizadas son cualitativas según frecuencia y porcentajes y de las cuantitativas según medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. Las variables cuantitativas, dependiendo de su distribución de normalidad, se estudian según la prueba de Kolmogórov-Smirnov (p<0,05), y se definieron según la media y desviación estándar. Resultados: La muestra está constituida 80 pacientes y (160) OPGs 40 pacientes por dos grupos; el grupo de estudio y el grupo control. La edad media de los pacientes por grupo estudio es 35.5 años y una desviación estándar de 15.45. De ellos 62.5% son mujeres y 37.5% son varones. Por otro lado, la edad media de los pacientes por grupo control es 33.47 años y desviación estándar 16.49. De ellos 55% son mujeres y 45% son varones. Estadísticamente, nuestros hallazgos no ilustran diferencias significativas entre ninguno de los grupos con respecto a la edad (p-valor 0.57), las categorías de grupos deedad (pvalor 0.43) y el sexo (p-valor 0.36). Obviamente la mayoría de los pacientes acudieron al hospital para la extracción del tercer molar mandibular impactado (IMTM). La mayoría de los pacientes de los dos grupos son no fumadores 73% y 75%del grupo estudio y grupo control respectivamente. La IMTM bilateral es la más frecuente entre otros procedimientos, representando el 73% del grupo de estudio y el 75% del grupo control y no hay diferencias entre ambos grupos (valor de p 0.509). Respecto de la clasificación de Winter, la impactación vertical es más frecuente en comparación de las otras. Según la medida de la perdida ósea, las mediciones del nivelóseo se calcularon e informaron en términos de media y desviación estándar entre el grupo de estudio y el grupo control, como un total, independientemente de los lados. Por lo tanto, nuestro análisis ha revelado que la media y la desviación estándar en el grupo de estudio antes de la extracción fue de 3,00 ± 1,68 mm. Por otro lado, la mediay la desviación estándar de las mediciones después de la extracción fue de 2,63 ± 1,75mm y hay diferencia estadísticamente significativa a favor de la ganancia ósea en el grupo de estudio (valor de p 0,0001). En cuanto al grupo control, la media y la desviación estándar en la radiografía basal fue de 2,73 ± 1,75 mm, mientras que despuésde la segunda radiografía se encontró que era de 3,01 ± 1,98 mm. El análisis estadístico reveló diferencias significativas a favor de la pérdida ósea (valor de p 0,001). En relación con el análisis univariado de los cambios en el estado óseo, el grupo de estudio,en el que se extrae el IMTM, muestra una ganancia ósea significativa en comparación con los controles que no extrajeron el tercer molar, con una diferencia estadísticamentesignificativa (FEE 0,73, DE 0,21, valor de p 0,0001). Con respecto al modelo multivariante ajustado, la asociación se mantiene y es independiente de los factores de confusión (efecto fijo 0,79, error de desviación 0,26, valor p 0,003) que también es estadísticamente significativo. Conclusión: Podemos concluir de nuestro estudio que el hueso distal al segundo molar en caso de extracción generalmente conducirá a la ganancia ósea y el cambio es estadísticamente significativo, mientras que en caso de no extracción de la impactación resultaría en pérdida ósea. La radiografía panorámica, aunque no es reproducible en la cuantificación del cambio óseo en milímetros, sigue siendo una herramienta valiosa en la identificación de los cambios óseos si permiten valores mejores o pérdida ósea.5 0Item Restricted Cloud Cybersecurity(Universidad de Al cala, 2024) Bokhari, Nabil; Herraiz, Martinez; Javier, JoseThe rapid evolution of cloud computing has revolutionized modern business operations, from hosting applications to storing data in high-security environments. Competitive businesses are leveraging cloud computing solutions to maximize the benefits, including cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and scalability. Cloud computing enables enterprises to access on-demand and scalable computing resources, specifically computational power and vast data storage. Despite the immense benefits, the security of data transmitted and stored in a cloud computing environment is vulnerable to multiple cybersecurity attacks, including data manipulation, loss, and theft. The study aims to develop a security model for enhanced data privacy and security in the cloud by leveraging a hybrid of cryptographic algorithms and steganography image-based techniques. The security model innovatively combines Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA), and the Least Significant Bit (LSB) technique to enhance data privacy and security of data in motion in a cloud computing environment. The three-step security model was designed, developed, and evaluated using the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology. The model secures data through cryptographic algorithms, adds an extra security layer using steganography, and implements backup and data recovery. The methodology was selected because of its practicality and philosophical underpinnings on addressing contemporary challenges by developing novel and relevant artifacts using scientifically rigorous procedures. The findings show that a hybrid of cryptography and steganography provides unbeatable security for data in a cloud computing environment. Implementing the security model will enhance data privacy and security in the cloud by revolutionizing how data is encrypted and decrypted. In the future, the integration of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence methodologies and algorithms will quadruple the effectiveness and robustness of this data security model for the cloud.12 0Item Restricted Cruising The Sea Of Risks: The Impact Of Ship Countermeasures On Intentions To Cruise(Saudi Digital Library, 2023) Bahattab, Shadi; Demurtas, AlessandroCruise ships are one of the fastest growing industries in the tourism sector. Despite the promising future, the cruise industry is frequently challenged by major safety and security threats. Accordingly, multiple risks are found to be associated with cruising. These include onboard major crimes, sexual assault, fires, sea piracy, terrorist attacks, health problems, and infection outbreaks. Such risks have resulted in many bad experiences among passengers, injuries, and loss of life. As a floating resort, the closed environment of a conveniently flagged cruise ship, besides the complexity and the lack of safety and security measures can pose passengers to inevitable dangers, increasing the degree of their vulnerability when cruising. Although some protection measures have been implemented and followed to a certain degree, cruise ships are still devastated by major accidents and negative incidents. This has challenged the reputation of many cruise companies, thereby effecting their growing ability and profitability. Correspondingly, this study aims to investigate the impact of cruise ships safety and security measures on passengers’ purchase intention, through passengers’ safety and security perception. Following an exploratory analysis of all variables, this work is carried out using primary data, which have been quantitatively collected through self-administered questionnaires. The findings indicate that there is a strong correlation between the main three pairs of the aforementioned variables. The provided implications and recommendations can be highly beneficial for cruise operators and academia on how to best understand and determine the existence of the causal relationship between such variables.16 0Item Restricted Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel molecules with the capacity of inducing the degradation of different proteins by direct signalling to the proteasome(Saudi Digital Library, 2023) Alqahtani, Abdulateef; Gemma, FabriàsIn 2001, the initial hypothesis of targeted protein degradation (TPD) was born to announce the launching of a new era of therapeutics development not by inhibiting a component of ubiquitin-proteasome system with small molecule inhibitors, but by recruiting the whole system to induce the degradation of specific proteins. TPD techniques can efficiently target long-lived proteins since they are not constrained by protein turnover, thus overcoming some of the drawbacks of UPS inhibitors. The majority of these technologies also share the advantageous pharmacokinetic characteristics of small compounds resembling drugs. Importantly, due to their various modes of action, they may expand the conventional druggable space. Many technologies with the therapeutic potential of targeting protein for degradation have been under massive study and development including PROteolysis TArgeting Chimeras (PROTACs). PROTACs utilize the UPS to target a specific protein and induce its degradation by employing hetero-bifunctional molecules consisting of a ligand to bind the protein of interest (POI), another ligand to recruit an E3 Ub ligase and a linker to bind the two ligands. These molecules interact simultaneously and hijack the enzymatic machinery by forming a ternary complex (POI:PROTAC:E3 ligase) that facilitates the transfer of Ub moieties to form polyubiquitin chain(s) on the target protein. The polyubiquitinated protein will be recognized and promoted to degradation by the proteasome. Multiple PROTACs that degrade proteins relevant in several diseases have been developed, and the number is quickly increasing, indicating their therapeutic projection. Given some limitations of E3-based PROTACs such as the diversity and complexity of E3 ligases, alternative strategies in target protein degradation are pursued. The main objective of this thesis was to develop a novel type of chimeras with the capacity to induce protein degradation by direct signaling to the 26S proteasome by interacting with USP14, a 26S-associated deubiquitinating enzyme involved in substrate processing and allosteric regulation of 26S activity. The overall results obtained in the biological studies provide proof of concept for this 26S-directed PROTAC, which should expand the potential of target protein degradation. Although this novel approach lacks the limitations associated to ubiquitination in the classical E3-protacs (i. e. different tissue or cell types' expression patterns of targeted E3, inadequate levels of Ub and/or Ub signaling factors under stressful circumstances), the formation of ineffective ternary complexes threatening the effectiveness of classical E3-based PROTACs is not circumvented by USP14-directed PROTACS. The linker is one of the factors that may lead to weak ternary complexes. Until very recently, linker design and selection was a "trial and error" endeavor. However, future avenues for rational linker design, including advances in computational methods, will accelerate the identification of optimized PROTACs.4 0Item Restricted Do the US Federal Reserve System Instruments Still Influence the Global Economy?(Esade Ramon Illul, 2023) Ferak, Rakan Ramiz; Garroum, GabrielThe Federal Reserve System (Fed) of the United States is a strong economic organization that substantially affects economies worldwide. The Federal Reserve has many tools at its disposal, including monetary policy instruments, such as interest rate changes and quantitative easing, and regulatory functions, such as monitoring banks and fostering financial stability. This plays the role of setting the currency exchange rate in the financial market. However, as the interconnectedness and complexity of the global economy have increased, doubts have been raised by economists and policymakers concerning the efficacy of the Fed's tools in tackling the issues faced by the global economy (Fischer, 2015). In this thesis, the geo-economic consequences of the Fed's instruments are analyzed, and an investigation is conducted to determine whether these instruments are still effective in the present state of the global economy. Through a mixed methods literature review, which aims to discern and synthesize existing narratives on this topic, this thesis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Federal Reserve's role in the global economy and the effectiveness of its instruments by analyzing the historical context of the Fed's instruments, an evaluation of their impact on the economies of the United States and the global economy, and an examination of current economic trends and challenges. This thesis seeks to contribute to ongoing discussions on the role of the Federal Reserve System through its policies, influence on the USD, and its effect on international economies.Item Restricted Effects of Retargeting on Post-Purchase Behavior in the Tourism Industry(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2024-07) Alghanayem, Haitham; Lopez-Sintas, Jordi; Lamberti, GiuseppeThis study examines the impact of digital retargeting strategies on consumers' post-purchase behavior within the e-tourism sector, specifically how these practices affect consumers' purchasing experiences, including satisfaction and repurchase intentions. This study provides an in-depth analysis of consumer reactions to retargeting ads in Saudi Arabia and Spain, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness of these marketing strategies in diverse global settings. This research uses a quantitative approach to analyze survey data from e-tourism consumers in Saudi Arabia and Spain who received retargeting ads after booking. Applying the Expectation Confirmation Theory, the study explores the relationship between such ads and consumers' expectations confirmation, satisfaction, and future purchasing plans. Additionally, it investigates the role of cultural values and how varying levels of trust in technology and digital skills influence the impact of retargeting ads. The findings reveal that post-purchase retargeting ads can negatively affect consumer expectation confirmation by altering their initial expectations, reducing their satisfaction, and repurchase intentions. This is particularly true for consumers with higher digital skills and trust in technology, who tend to scrutinize advertising practices more critically. Furthermore, even though the results were very similar across users from Spain and Saudi Arabia, individual cultural values play a crucial role in shaping the effectiveness of retargeting campaigns. The research advocates for a more personalized and culturally sensitive approach to retargeting in the e-tourism industry. These findings enrich the academic discussion on digital marketing strategies and offer strategic recommendations for marketers seeking to optimize engagement in culturally diverse markets.Item Restricted Factors influencing locals' perceptions about tourism development impacts and the intention to support tourism development in Riyadh city (Saudi Arabia): a sustainability approach(Saudi Digital Library, 2023) Alsaloum, Moteab; Casals, Francesc RomagosaIt has been generally understood that tourism development for host communities can be a double- edged sword. Tourism development provides advantages and can generate costs. Tourism strategies must reflect an understanding of sustainable tourism development. This requires governments to be fully knowledgeable about the tourism industry and understand its impacts on society. Locals are the main actors in sustainable tourism development. Studies on locals’ perceptions of tourism growth are increasing due to the link between community support and potential development of tourism. Based on social exchange theory and previous findings, this study proposed a series of hypotheses and developed a theoretical model of residents' support for tourism development in Riyadh city, the capital city of Saudi Arabia. This study is based on a self- administered survey on a sample of 427 Saudi Arabian's locals living in Riyadh city using structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the data. This study aimed to identify Riyadh residents' perceptions about the impacts of potential tourism development in Riyadh city, and to understand both the negative and positive impacts of tourism development. In addition, this study aimed to examine the effects of several variables (e.g., community attachment, and resident's knowledge of tourism development, and community involvement) on locals' perceived benefits and costs of tourism development. Moreover, this study aimed to identify how the perceived impacts of tourism affect locals' satisfaction and support for tourism development, and in turn how locals’ satisfaction with tourism affect the intention to support tourism development in Riyadh city. i The findings of this study revealed a positive relationship between community attachment and perceived benefit from tourism development. However, no relationship between community attachment and the perceived cost of tourism development was found in this study. Moreover , a significant positive relationship between residents' knowledge of tourism and the perceived benefits of tourism development was found in this study. The results also revealed a significant negative relationship between residents' knowledge of tourism and the perceived costs of tourism development. In addition, an insignificant relationship between community involvement and the perceived benefits and costs of tourism development was found. Furthermore, a positive relationship between the perceived benefits of tourism development and locals' intentions to support tourism development and a negative relationship between the perceived costs of tourism development and locals' intentions to support tourism development were found. Moreover, a positive relationship between the perceived benefits of tourism development and community satisfaction with tourism and a negative relationship between the perceived costs of tourism development and community satisfaction with tourism development were found in this study. Lastly, a relationship between satisfaction with tourism and locals' intentions to support tourism development was observed.Item Restricted GEOMETRICAL FRUSTRATED MAGNETIC MATERIALS(Universidad Complutense De Madrid, 2024-02-14) Alshalawi, Dhoha; de la Presa Muñoz de Toro, Patricia Marcela; Alonso Rodriguez, José MariaThis thesis delves into the intriguing Quantum Spin Liquid (QSL) and Spin Glass (SG) systems. It aims to unravel their unique properties and gain insights into their potential applications. Both QSL and SG systems exhibit high degrees of frustration at low temperatures and lack of long-range order. QSL maintains continuous fluctuation, while SG systems freeze at a glassy point. This study’s findings could help connect theoretical aspects and understand the unique magnetic behaviors of these systems, which differ from known magnetic interactions. Two primary materials, Ca10Cr7O28 and LaFeO3, are the central focus of this research. These materials are attractive due to the advancement of quantum and magnetism applications, including data storage, sensors, and quantum computing. Additionally, the study explores exchange bias interactions in nanoparticle materials at low temperatures, specifically the core/shell effects. The overarching goal is to contribute to understanding both systems' magnetic geometrical fluctuation in low temperatures. The investigation employs various experimental methods and equipment, encompassing structural, thermal, chemical, and magnetic measurements for both bulk and nanoparticle properties. Impurity-free materials let us to go deep into the intrinsic physical properties of these systems. The Ca10Cr7O28 emerges as a potential QSL material governed by a two-dimensional antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Hamiltonian interaction. Previous synthesis attempts suffered from incorrect precursor ratios, resulting in materials with certain degree of impurities, that can affect the analysis of the physical properties. This study successfully identifies the correct ratio (CaO: Cr2O3≈ 2.85:1) for the pure Ca10Cr7O28 sample. The research not only determines the correct synthesis ratio for pure Ca10Cr7O28 but also offers valuable insights into the impact of impurities on the crystal structure. The crystal structure, determined through X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, reveals a trigonal structure with Cr5+ ions arranged in two-dimensional Kagome layers and three-dimensional Zigzag chains. The Rietveld method verifies these proposed crystal structures by calculating the compound's atomic distances. The study extends to low temperatures, demonstrating structural distortions as temperature varies. These results were confirmed using neutron diffraction (ND), including calculating atomic distances between Cr-O. The study explores the impact of temperature on atomic distances and volume values. Comparing the pure with impure samples helps clarify the influence of impurities (CaO and Cr2O3) on crystal structure. This analysis highlights increased distortion in the crystal structure due to impurities, as confirmed through XRD measurements. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) images were carried out in this study that resolved the role of the impurities and, at the same time, to determine a twins-free structure despite the large dimension of the crystals. The Bond Valence Sum (BVS) calculation method establishes, with ND data, the oxidation state of the compound and confirms the proposed formula of Ca10(Cr6+)1 (Cr5+)6 O28. The material Ca10Cr7O28 exhibits quantum spin liquid behavior, as evidenced by the disappearance of paramagnetic behavior at low temperatures, a lack of remanence and coercivity, and the calculation of Curie temperature. Specific heat measurements confirm short-range magnetic ordering below 3 K, with entropy showing an inverse relationship with an applied magnetic field. Besides, magnetic long-range order emerges below 35 mK. The study extends to LaFeO3, a material displaying antiferromagnetic properties with spin canting at high temperatures. The sol-gel synthesis allows for the variation of particle size, thus enabling the investigation of magnetic frustration as a function of size. HRTEM analysis reveals changes in FeO6 octahedral distortion and the disappearance of spin canting as particle size decreases. Smaller particles exhibit spin-glass behavior at the surface while maintaining an antiferromagnetic core. This creates a core/shell magnetic structure with a significant exchange bias effect. This thesis comprehensively explores Quantum Spin Liquid and Spin Glass systems, highlighting their distinctive properties and behaviors. Additionally, the study reveals the emergence of quantum spin liquid and spin-glass behavior in different materials. This is opening new insight for understanding and potential applications in the future and understanding the related theories.Item Restricted High throughput determination of relevant physicochemical parameters in the drug discovery and HPLC processes. Microfluidic devices(University of Barcelona, 2024-02-08) Albishri, Abdulkarim Khalaf; Pascual, Martí Rosés; Canyelles, Joan Marc CabotDetermining the acidity (pKa) and lipophilicity (log Po/w) of organic compounds is fundamental in analytical chemistry fields, with potential relevance in drug development, material science, analytical separation, and environmental research. A precise estimation of these physicochemical parameters is important for estimating compound behavior and distribution in different biological and chemical systems. Fast determination of pKa of very insoluble drugs has become an essential tool in drug development as it frequently creates compounds that are highly lipophilic and sparingly soluble in water. Also, studying the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a proposed drug involves a thorough knowledge of its ionization state and hydrophobicity. In the first part of the thesis, a high-throughput internal standard capillary electrophoresis (IS-CE) method was established to determine the pKa of ISs at different concentrations of methanol and acetonitrile from 0 to 90% (v/v). IS-CE is a pKa determination method based on the use of a known pKa reference compound as an internal standard (IS), whose nature and pKa value are similar to those one of the analytes. Internal standard mobility is measured under the same conditions as analyte mobility when injected at the same time, hence any change in experimental conditions influences both analyte and IS equally. Whereas the traditional CE approach needs potentiometric measurement of the pH of the buffers used, IS-CE uses IS to calculate the true pH in our electrophoretic system and reduces measurement mistakes. Herein, the acid and base scales of methanol-water mixtures and acetonitrile-water mixtures were properly anchored to the potentiometrically obtained pKa values of reference compounds to get absolute pKa scales. As a consequence, a set of 46 acid-base compounds with changing structures were proposed as internal standards for consistent pKa measurements in methanol-water and acetonitrile-water mixtures buffers using capillary electrophoresis. The determined ISs reference set facilitates the determination of analytes pKa and measurement of buffer pH in the range 4-11.5 (in water) for any methanol-water and acetonitrile-water composition. Secondly, to prove its feasibility, the IS-CE approach was successfully used to determine the aqueous pKa in methanol-aqueous buffer compositions up to 40% of methanol in volume. The Yasuda-Shedlovsky extrapolation method was utilized to determine seven drugs of different chemical nature with intrinsic water solubilities lower than 10−6 M. The results were successfully compared to literature ones obtained by other approaches. It is concluded then that the IS-CE methodolgy permits the measurement of aqueous pKa values using lower ratios of methanol than the classical method, becoming then more accurate in the extrapolation procedure than other reference methods. Finally, since methanol-water and acetonitrile-water mixtures are solvents of interest in liquid chromatographic separations because of their use as the mobile phase, the IS-CE method was also applied to measure the pKa of eight organic bases in methanol-water and acetonitrile-water mixtures (0-90%,v/v), which are usually used as test compounds in HPLC column evaluation. As a result of this work, the IS-CE method was proven to be a fast and simple approach for determining the pH of the buffer and the pKa of analytes in typical HPLC systems (RPLC, HILIC) in both methanol-water mixtures and acetonitrile-water mixtures. The degree of ionization of the analytes may be easily determined using them, making it easier to choose the mobile phase composition and thus enhance analytical separations. In the second part of the thesis, a new approach based on microfluidics was developed to determine the octanol-water partition. The octanol-water partition coefficient is crucial in pharmaceutical and biological sciences as it is a vital metric in predicting chemical distribution and behavior in biological systems. However, the current techniques are time consuming and requires high amounts of solvents. From the need to develop a quicker, more cost-effective, and more sustainable method, microfluidics has raised as a powerful miniaturized analytical tool. As a first step, a design with a perpendicular configuration of the channels was developed using direct 3D printed microfluidics. A gravitational perfusion system was implemented to create a spontaneous flow within the octanol and water channels without the need for external pump. The movement of octanol and water phases was successfully validated using fluorescent dyes. After that, the intensity of the fluorescent dye was used to evaluate the partition dynamics in static and dynamic conditions. The results prove that the proposed design with this microfluidic methodology allows the evaluation of molecule partition, achieving high efficiency partition and reaching the equilibrium of O/W partition faster than conventional techniques. Later, the design was adapted to a parallel configuration of the channels to be compatible with up-scalable manufacturing techniques and parallelize it for up to 56 simultaneous determinations in a single platform. Finally, both the perpendicular and parallel designs were validated using several drugs with well standardize log Po/w values that cover a wide range of lipophilicity. The microfluidic device was coupled with HPLC to determine their partition coefficients from the peak areas of the compounds in octanol and in water after partition. Good agreement with the literature values was achieved, showing the capability of microfluidic chips for precise and accurate prediction of the partition coefficient. Finally, the progress of a cost-effective and consistent method for predicting partition coefficient via microfluidic chips demonstrated a great advancement in the field of analytical chemistry, with powerful applications in drug discovery and other related fields. The results gotten from this investigation offer an establishment for additional research and advance of this approach. To summarize, estimating pKa and log Po/w values is vital in analytical chemistry, with capacity applications in drug development, material science, and environmental research. A precise estimation of these physicochemical parameters is important for predicting compound performance and distribution in diverse biological and chemical systems. The use of innovative analytical techniques for verifying pKa values, like the IS-CE method for pKa and microfluidics for measuring log Po/w, represents valuable advances in the field of analytical chemistry. These methods provide low-reagent-consumption, cost-effective, and reliable determination for evaluating these parameters, for high-throughput analysis.Item Restricted La Narrativa Saudí Contemporánea: Transformaciones Sociopolíticas Y Relaciones Literarias.(2023-05-31) Asiri, Mohammed Ibrahim A; Essawy, Aly Tawfik Mohamed; Julia, María Carabaza BravoEste estudio pretende arrojar luz sobre la novela contemporánea saudí y lo que respecta a sus transformaciones sociopolíticas y relaciones literarias, concretamente desde la década de los noventa hasta 2018. Su objetivo final es enriquecer otras culturas con producciones literarias que reflejan la situación cultural de las sociedades árabes, especialmente la de Arabia Saudí, al destacar el buen nivel de sus novelistas, mediante la revelación de transformaciones en el texto ficcional contemporáneo, así como la aceleración temporal del ritmo de la novela, regida por la autoridad de la sociedad, a la que escapa de su control y penetra en su profundidad cambiando una serie de conceptos. La novela, en general, ocupa una distinguida posición, ya que sigue liderando la escena literaria a nivel mundial y en el mundo árabe, a la luz del declive de otros géneros y gracias a su adquisición por los diferentes segmentos sociales; una realidad que constatamos en las librerías y ferias locales e internacionales. Asimismo por reflejar la realidad de la sociedad en cuanto a su ámbito intelectual, cultural y socioeconómico, donde cada ciudadano se encuentra a sí mismo en un tipo narrativo, como si la obra expresara su felicidad y su pena, complaciendo su diversión, imaginación y conocimiento, al mismo tiempo que ofrece al autor la libertad de transmitir sus ideas intelectuales, políticas y filosóficas. La novela saudí, por su parte, también está a la vanguardia del panorama cultural del país. Ha tenido diferentes etapas que aceleraron su ritmo de producción lo que, a su vez, condujo a su acumulación y a un choque con la cultura de la sociedad conservadora, que ve vergonzoso criticarla y exponerla a través de temas delicados. No debemos olvidar el papel de la mujer saudí y su narrativa en estos cambios, ya que hay una gran producción actual creada por jóvenes novelistas, con audacia artística y objetiva, que han permitido un giro sociocultural en la sociedad. Dicha osadía de presentar títulos con temas que violan la privacidad de la sociedad conservadora como el sexo, la religión y la política les llevó a ganar premios nacionales, árabes e internacionales, y sus obras han sido traducidas a diferentes lenguas como el inglés, el español, el ruso, el francés, etc., además de tratar nuevos temas como el terrorismo y la ciencia ficción, acompañados de cambios artísticos en el diálogo, como la relación entre ambos sexos, o entre la figura del hombre en Oriente y Occidente. Otra destacada transformación es el uso del árabe coloquial además del fuṣḥà, lo que conlleva una desviación lingüística, ortográfica o estilística mediante el uso de ciertas modismos y términos, así como la presencia de múltiples títulos: tentadores, realistas, ambiguos..., o el cambio en el discurso dirigido hacia las mujeres o los hombres, y cómo se describen el uno al otro. Nos hemos basado en algunos modelos de la narrativa saudí con el fin de analizar dichas transformaciones o manifestaciones, partiendo de las siguientes perspectivas: - Autor: hombre o mujer. - Tema: lo planteado y si ha sufrido un cambio en la actualidad, o una temática novedosa. - Popularidad de la novela: por su autor, temática o su traducción a otros idiomas. Las obras elegidas para nuestro trabajo son muestras representativas que retratan el estado de la novela contemporánea saudí. Sin embargo, esto no quiere decir que las demás hayan sido excluidas por no ser de interés, más aun teniendo en cuenta la abundante producción narrativa. En la realización de este trabajo, nos hemos basado en la metodología descriptivo-analítica como consecuencia de la gran producción novelística en el periodo indicado, y el tratamiento de temas candentes y delicados para la sociedad, además del interés de Occidente en traducir algunas obras a su idioma, y la transformación en el discurso narrativo en cuanto a lo lingüístico, lo estilístico y lo científico. Estos, en su conjunto, representan un fenómeno que intentamos desentrañar tras haber estado durante mucho tiempo a merced de las tijeras de la censura oficial. Por tanto, este trabajo nos da la capacidad de ayudar a aclarar y entender las transformaciones en la sociedad y la política, gracias a la influencia de la novela. El estudio concluye con la novela contemporánea saudí en su etapa actual, que denominamos “las grandes transformaciones”. Se distingue por el incremento de la producción narrativa, con una presencia dominante de autoras, y también por el aumento en el número de obras traducidas a otros idiomas, ya sea por motivos sociales, o por haber ganado premios internacionales, árabes y locales. La novela contemporánea ya no es reformista ni conciliadora de cara a la sociedad y sus elementos conservadores, sino que ha arremetido contra ellos y se ha acercado a los tabúes para abordarlos, sin pensar demasiado en las consideraciones de corte religiosa y social, ni las políticas que encarna la censura. De este modo los novelistas, en general, ya pueden plantear los temas que quieren y con los títulos que ven más adecuados, ya sean provocativos, atractivos o de otra índole. Esto no significa la inexistencia de una narrativa saudí, de reconocida calidad, con temáticas que siguen tocando aspectos propios de la sociedad tradicional e incluso también novedosas como la ciencia-ficción, la fantasía o la pobreza. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de sus obras se caracterizan por su escasa calidad artística, temática o lingüística. Asimismo, los temas y asuntos relacionados con la mujer ya son más maduros y aceptables, de modo que las novelistas gozan de mayor libertad para transmitir el sufrimiento de sus congéneres, así como reivindicar sus derechos a la educación y al trabajo, para estar a pie de igualdad con el hombre para construir la sociedad y seguir su evolución y desarrollo en todos los campos. Igualmente, el sexo constituye un tema básico en la mayoría de las novelas saudíes, sea como eje principal, desde el título hasta el final, o secundario, siendo presentado en todas sus formas y métodos. En lo referente a las traducciones de las novelas saudíes realizadas en el extranjero, todavía son escasas ya que no se corresponden con el ritmo de la producción. Sin embargo, el hecho de que haya muchas novelas traducidas no supone, necesariamente, que sean de buen nivel artístico y de alto lenguaje. Además, apenas son conocidas en los círculos culturales. Por todo ello, consideramos que es imprescindible tratar este asunto extensamente, mediante diversos trabajos de investigación sobre la traducción del producto narrativo saudí a otras lenguas, a través de hacer una comparación entre la obra original y la traducida, así como ver las diferencias y convergencias lingüísticas y culturales y los motivos que conducen las mismas. En cuanto a la política, la novela contemporánea saudí se halla más ocupada en la sociedad y la religión, aunque aborda, de vez en cuando, asuntos políticos árabes, en general, y ciertos episodios de la política regional: la Segunda Guerra del Golfo, el terrorismo y el extremismo religioso. Cabe mencionar que la narrativa saudí siempre estaba, y sigue estando, ligada a la población y sus problemas internos. Por eso, los novelistas saudíes tienden a usar el símbolo a la hora de abordar temas políticos, por temor a la censura y, por consiguiente, la prohibición de la obra. Para ello, sería recomendable dedicar un trabajo de investigación sobre el símbolo político en la novela saudí, sus tipos, significado y los temas simbolizados por él. La novela saudí ha alcanzado un avanzado estado de madurez, diversidad y riqueza en su planteamiento narrativo, tal y como se ve en numerosas transformaciones, formales y estilísticas, haciéndola ocupar un lugar destacado en el mapa de la novela contemporánea árabe, ya que ha logrado penetrar en lugares profundos y oscuros en la vida de la sociedad actual, en sus interacciones y sus aperturas a varios mundos y culturas. En cuanto a la transformación en el discurso de la novela contemporánea saudí, se debe, en gran medida, a la audacia de la que gozan las escritoras al traspasar los muros de la realidad, desde sus distintos aspectos religiosos y sociales; transformación que ha dejado al descubierto muchos defectos plasmados en la superficie de la imagen mutua entre hombres y mujeres, y las relaciones estereotipadas que existen entre ambos sexos. No vemos este cambio en las obras de los escritores, que se ocupan de otros temas y asuntos, aunque coinciden en presentar el mismo contexto social y cultural. El personaje occidental, sea hombre o mujer, tiene una intensa presencia hasta el punto de convertirse en una de las características más importantes de la novela saudí. La relación entre Oriente y Occidente es realista y estereotipada en la percepción del uno al otro, porque la personalidad occidental tiende a las relaciones abiertas, mientras que nuestro carácter sigue siendo conservador, como resultado de prejuicios basados en nuestro pensamiento, forma, apariencia y modo de vida. En cuanto al cambio o la transformación lingüística en la novela contemporánea saudí, se ve clara en los títulos y en el lenguaje narrativo: en lo referente a los títulos, encontramos que los principales son de distinta longitud, a veces interpretan lo que ocurre en la novela, y, a veces, provocan y se oponen a lo que hay dentro. En cuanto a los títulos interiores, tienen connotaciones sugestivas, simbólicas y secuenciales. La portada, con sus colores y dibujos, constituye un factor más en esta línea. Por lo que respecta al lenguaje narrativo, la mayor parte de las novelas emplea el árabe clásico; sin embargo, en los diálogos predomina el coloquial de distintos dialectos árabes, según la naturaleza y el entorno sociocultural del personaje. Aparecen, igualmente, algunos vocablos en inglés.Item Restricted Metagenomic Exploration of the Effects of Depth and Temperature on the Microbiome Structure and Function of the Gorgonian Eunicella singularis and the Cold Water Scleractinia Desmophyllum pertusum(University of Barcelona, 2024) Binsarhan, Mohammad; Logares, Ramiro; Calafat, AntonioCorals play an essential role in marine environments and their morphological structure provides microbes with different habitat types. In turn, the microbes provide corals with important compounds that contribute to coral fitness and health. Corals have been suggested to hold distinct microbes within the anatomical layer, such as the Skeleton, Surface mucus layer (SML), Tissue, and Gastric cavity. Furthermore, many factors can influence the structure and function of the microbiome, making it more challenging to understand. Coral age, taxonomy, disease, depth zones, and many other abiotic factors could shape coral microbiomes and are responsible for their stability. Disturbances in the relationship's stability between coral hosts and their associated microbes increase the chance of coral infections and bleaching, leading to mortality. Therefore, studying the influence of each factor on the microbiome could lead to a better understanding of the nature and dynamics of this complex system. However, many questions remain regarding how microbes are acquired and function in corals. In this thesis, we explored the coral microbiome and its relationship with two abiotic variables, depth and temperature. High-throughput meta-omics approaches have been used to investigate coral microbiomes. Some limitations may hinder the full benefits of meta-omics; however, these powerful tools open doors for understanding the coral microbiome. Our comprehensive analysis of the Mediterranean Eunicella singularis microbiome revealed significant differences between shallow and mesophotic colonies at both taxonomic and functional levels. While shallow water colonies prominently featured Symbiodinium, essential for coral energy production through photosynthesis, its absence in the mesophotic zone indicates a shift in microbial community structure. In deeper environments, the microbial community exhibited higher abundances of functional genes related to carbohydrate, energy, amino acid, cofactor, and vitamin metabolism. This potentially allows the microbiome to utilize carbon and nitrogen from various sources, such as glutathione, steroids, fatty acids, and aromatic hydrocarbons, which might help sustain coral nutrition through enhanced nutrient availability. Additionally, Metagenome-Assembled Genomes (MAGs) analysis identified microbiome taxa, such as DT-91 (Order Pseudomonadales) and Endozoicomonas, involved in nutrient recycling, vitamin production, and secretion systems, highlighting their role in microbiome fitness. These findings underscore potential microbial adaptation mechanisms to environmental conditions, emphasizing their potential role in facilitating coral resilience and adaptation to different contexts. Further investigations are needed to determine whether these genes are actively expressed in the microbial community and to assess the extent of their influence on both the coral's health and its associated microbiome. Our study of the potential influence of prolonged thermal stress on the cold-water coral D. pertusum revealed a significant impact on the microbiome structure at both taxonomic and functional levels. Metagenomic analyses supported previous research, showing an increase in Rhodobacterales under thermal stress conditions. Moreover, our analyses indicated an increase in the carbon metabolic genes, such as methylotrophy and glycoside hydrolase enzymes, which may destabilize the microbiome and promote the growth of opportunistic pathogenic organisms. Indeed, we found an increase in pathogenic marker genes within the D. pertusum microbiome as temperature increased. Interestingly, the microbial taxa associated with these markers, such as those related to type 1 and 3 secretion systems, also increased in abundance in thermally stressed microbiomes. Additionally, we observed an increase in genes associated with diazotrophic activity, including denitrification and nitrification, which could disrupt the nitrogen cycle balance between the coral and its microbiome, potentially increasing the susceptibility to diseases and mortality. Together, these findings underscore the influence of increasing temperature on the taxonomic and functional structure of the cold-water coral microbiome. However, further research is required to investigate the gene expression profiles associated with formaldehyde assimilation, denitrification, and nitrification. Examining the expression levels of these metabolic pathways would provide deeper insights into their activity and regulation, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of their roles in the microbiome's response to environmental stressors such as temperature increase.Item Restricted Residential Outdoor Spaces And Thermal Stress: Courtyard Design Approach To Thermally Enhance Outdoor Spaces In Single-Family Houses In The Desert Climate Of Riyadh(UPC, 2023) Alkhoudiri, Ahmed Salah M; Fort, Josep Maria; Delgado, Isidro NavarroThe typological shift of single-family houses in Riyadh during the 20th century has negatively impacted the inhabitants. The shift from attached houses with courtyards to detached houses with setbacks created houses with poor outdoor spaces that are unsuitable for the desert climate and a lack of visual privacy between neighbors. The impact expanded further after the nationalization of this typology with municipal regulations to other cities without considering regional architecture or climate differences. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to revise the related municipal regulation of the mandatory 2-meter setback on houses and urge adopting attached houses with multiple courtyards as a proven typology with more advantages. The thesis aims to emphasize the significant improvements to the single-family houses in Riyadh from adopting attached houses with multiple courtyard outdoor spaces as an alternate typology that is more satisfactory in house space planning, spaces visual privacy, and exterior thermal performance. The underlying objective of the thesis is to create continuity in Saudi architecture by reviving outdoor courtyard spaces and attaching house concepts from traditional regional architecture into the contemporary urban fabric of Riyadh, and influencing the revival of other regional architectural principles. Additionally, the thesis aims to evaluate the impact of climate categories on the courtyard’s thermal performance. The thesis’s contribution expands the current knowledge with insights on the performances of outdoor spaces in the desert and temperate climates, focusing on thermal comfort, direct sun, and incident radiation in residential architecture. The thesis’s contribution also expands the current practice by promoting assessment methods for municipal regulation using algorithmic-aided simulations. The hypothesis asserts that courtyard and multiple courtyard typologies in single-family houses in Riyadh improve outdoor thermal comfort experienced by inhabitants and reduce exterior thermal stress on buildings. Riyadh was selected as the primary context in this thesis for its influence on the typological shift and its recent prominent growth in many aspects as the capital and largest city. Therefore, the historical context of Riyadh with the traditional regional Najd architecture was approached in exploring practical solutions to contemporary single-family houses and Saudi architecture progression. The methods utilized in the thesis include a literature review of related works, personal communication, field data collection for existing cases, creation of designed cases, performing environmental analysis using algorithmic-aided simulations, and comparing the analysis results through multiple correlations. The existing cases were selected as courtyards with different layouts and locations to help understand the climate impact on the space. Findings of thermal comfort analysis in the existing courtyard cases in Riyadh and Barcelona conveyed a more substantial impact of the climate over the courtyard characteristic. For testing the hypotheses, the designed cases were created as a setback, courtyard, and multiple courtyard houses in contemporary Riyadh’s urban block. Findings of thermal comfort, direct sun, and incident radiation analyses in the designed cases proved more satisfactory thermal performance for the multiple courtyard typology, then the single central courtyard, and finally, the detached setback typology. Finally, the attached houses with multiple courtyards typology is more promising as a new concept over the others for single-family houses in Riyadh. Furthermore, the typology provides more flexibility in space planning than a single courtyard and ensures privacy between neighbors and within the house zones.Item Restricted Students’ Perception of Competences Acquired during their Undergraduate Arabic/English Translator Education VS Competences Required in the Saudi Translation Market: A Mixed Methods Approach(2023-07-20) Alzamil, Aeshah; Olalla Soler, Christian; Rodríguez-Inés, PatriciaDue to the constant changes that occur in the translation job market, translator education programmes are in need of ongoing development and adaptation in order to continue educating students capable of meeting the new requirements of this market. Therefore, this thesis aimed to explore the extent to which the Saudi universities (King Saud University, Prince Sultan University, Effat University and Princess Nourah University) undergraduate Arabic/English translator education programmes perceive their ability to help their students acquire the sets of knowledge and skills related to the sub-competences of translator competence recently required in the Saudi translation market. To this end, two empirical studies were designed based on a convergent parallel mixed methods approach. The first study analysed 91 translation-related job descriptions published in Saudi Arabia from the beginning of 2020 to its end to identify the sets of knowledge and skills recently required in the market. The second study analysed how Saudi Arabia professional translators and translator educators perceive the requirement of such sets in the translation market of today, as well as how final-year students of the Saudi undergraduate Arabic/English translator education programmes perceive their degree of acquisition of such sets during their education. Finally, the results of the two studies were integrated and holistically interpreted to achieve the aim of this study. The study found that the students perceived that their education had helped them to a large extent to acquire a set of skills considered very relevant in today’s Saudi translation market (i.e., the ability to translate specialised texts in specific fields), while it helped them to some extent to acquire 12 sets of knowledge and skills considered very relevant in the Saudi translation market, and nine other sets considered relatively relevant in the Saudi translation market. The 12 sets were: (1) English proficiency in various aspects, (2) Modern Standard Arabic proficiency in various aspects, (3) the ability to understand different types of non-specialised standard English texts well, (4) the ability to understand different types of non-specialised Modern Standard Arabic texts well, (5) knowledge about intercultural communication problems in relation to translation between Arabic and English, (6) knowledge about Western culture, (7) knowledge about subject areas, (8) knowledge about translators’ ethics, rights and responsibilities, (9) the ability to use search techniques to find relevant information necessary to provide quality translation, (10) the ability to assess one’s own translations and revise them, (11) the ability to professionally work with clients and other translators, and (12) self-confidence. The nine sets were: (1) the ability to analyse texts and discourse, (2) knowledge about translation theories, (3) the ability to use machine translation and post edit its outcome, (4) the ability to use computer-assisted translation tools, (5) the ability to use audiovisual translation software, (6) the ability to identify translation problems and apply appropriate translation strategies to solve such problems, (7) the ability to solve language interference problems, (8) the ability to plan the translation process before starting to translate to provide an accurate translation, and (9) sharp memory and intense concentration. The students took a neutral position toward whether their education had helped them to acquire two sets of knowledge and skills considered very relevant in the Saudi translation market (i.e., knowledge about Arab culture and the ability to use information technology tools) and three other sets considered relatively relevant in the Saudi translation market (i.e., the ability to recognise a translation’s brief and determine the purpose of translation, the ability to manage translation projects and professional activity, and leadership and negotiation skills). These findings suggest the need to explore why the included programmes were perceived as not effective enough by the students regarding the acquisition of certain necessary sets of knowledge and skills in today’s Saudi translation market, as well as the need to propose ways to develop them accordingly. This thesis will contribute to the improvement of Saudi undergraduate translator education programmes so as to satisfy today’s Saudi translation market demands, hence educate competent translators that are highly qualified for the translation market in Saudi Arabia today.Item Restricted Terminología ecuestre en el diccionario al-Muẖaṣṣaṣ de Ibn Sīda(Universidad de Salamanca, 2024-02-28) Alqahtani, Ahmad Salman; Perez, Buendia PedroThis Ph.D. Thesis provides a thorough translation and analysis of the hippological vocabulary contained in the al-Muẖaṣṣaṣ dictionary of the Andalusian scholar Ibn Sīda (11th century), one of the most famous lexicographers of Arabic literature. The al-Muẖaṣṣaṣ dictionary stands out as the first great onomasiological dictionary of the Arabic literary-lexicographic tradition, as well as the most complete. It devotes an entire section to the vocabulary related to hippology, the Kitāb al-ẖayl or Book of Horses, a discipline in whose study medieval Arabic culture reached a remarkable dimension. In addition to the study and terminological translation of this broad hippological corpus, this research is interested in the author's life and work, examines in detail the structure and content of the al-Muẖaṣṣaṣ dictionary, and offers an overview of Arabic lexicography that allows readers and researchers to get closer to the nature of the work. It also takes stock of the situation of Arabic-Spanish terminology, as well as a conceptual system and lexicographical and lexicological study of Kitāb al-ẖayl. Finally, three glossaries (Arabic, Arabic-Spanish, and of concepts) are prepared to facilitate consultation and access to the corpus under study. This analysis covers philological questions (translation, etymologies, influences and transfers into Spanish, references in other medieval Arabic dictionaries), as well as zoological and cultural, due to the contamination existing in all medieval traditions between the scientific, the literary and the paradoxical.Item Restricted The Efficacy of the Subskills Training Approach on the Rendition of Numerical Data, Proper Names, and Abbreviations in the Teaching of Simultaneous Interpreting from English into Arabic(Saudi Digital Library, 2023-11-16) Aldabbagh, Abeya; Ribas, Marta Arumí; Gil-Bardají, AnnaMany different approaches can be employed in the training of simultaneous interpreting (SI). As SI is a complex process that includes several inter-dependent subskills, it is worthwhile to explore the efficacy of a subskills training approach in the teaching of SI; it is an approach that targets specific SI micro-skills such as split-attention, fluency, self-monitoring, output control, interpreting of numerical data, proper names, or abbreviations. Thus, two experimental studies were conducted at Princess Nourah University in Saudi Arabia on a sample of undergraduate translation and interpreting students from English into Arabic to investigate the impact of a subskills training approach on the rendition of numerical data, proper names, and abbreviations in the teaching of SI. This research aims to (1) To investigate the extent to which the subskills approach would impact students’ performance and accuracy rate when interpreting numerical data from English into Arabic, (2) investigate the extent to which the subskills approach would impact students’ performance and accuracy rate when interpreting proper names and abbreviations from English into Arabic, (3) propose a successful interpreter training approach that has been tested to be used in SI university level training, for the specific language combination of English > Arabic in order to improve curricular design and planning in the teaching of SI, and (4) contribute to new findings in interpreting pedagogy research. Results of the research studies show that the experimental group receiving the subskills training approach achieved higher accuracy and lower omission rates in their renditions compared to the control group. Thus, the subskills approach could indeed optimize the teaching of simultaneous interpreting from English into Arabic, and it is of significant value to investigate it further to help create and develop effective interpreting pedagogical approaches. Keywords: Interpreter training, interpreting pedagogical approaches, interpreting subskills training.Item Restricted The influence of prosthetic design factors on the development of peri-implantitis: literature review(Saudi Digital Library, 2023) Alahmari, Ahmad Abdullah; Fiter, Carles MendietaIntroduction: Oral rehabilitation of edentulous patients using dental implants has become widely adopted in dentistry since last decades. Dental implant provides retention and support for a fixed or removable dental prosthesis. Several factors affects the success of dental implants including prosthetic design factors. Our aim is to review the literature shed the light on the dental implant’s prosthetic related risk factors in literature and their influence on the development of peri-implant disease. Methods: A research in PubMed was conducted to identify studies using the following key words: (Peri-implantitis OR Peri-implant disease) AND (Prosthetic). The inclusion criteria were identified as studies published in English; studies describe prosthetic design effect on peri-implant tissue, original studies. The exclusion criteria defined as studies published in other language, case reports, and experimental studies. Results: Our search identified about 448 publications, from which 31 met the inclusion criteria. There are four prosthetic design factors contribute to the peri-implant disease. Bacterial colonization can come from the screw loosening in screw retained implant, although it’s superior in cement-retained due to the the excess cement remnants in the sulcus. Occlusal overload can lead to marginal bone loss (MBL) if it exceeds a particular limit. In addition, emergence angle (EA) > 30 evidentially leads to more marginal bone loss compared to the emergence angle (EA) < 30. The convex profile found to be more associated with development of peri-implantitis. Marginal bone loss occurs more with abutment height less than 2 mm. Conclusion: Prosthetic design factors are potential causes for peri-implant disease. In cement-retained dental implant, cement remnants is a causative factor. A controlled occlusion; emergence angle (EA) < 30 degrees and correct abutment selection are essential to avoid marginal bone loss. Key words: Peri-implantitis, Peri-implant disease, Prosthetic.4 0Item Restricted رسالة دكتوراه ( قدرة الجماعات الارهابية على استخدام مواقع التواصل في السعودية لتنجيد الشباب ونشر الايدلوجيا المتطرفة - دراسة تحليلية لبناء السرديات الجهادية في تويتر - )(Universidad De Alcala, 2024) Alghamdi, Saleh Saeed; Pertu, Julian LaThe rise of jihadi discourse on Twitter (now known as X) has represented an issue of increasing concern with its influence on online audiences and sociey. Despite counter strategies and global initiatives to curb extremist discourse and online radicalisation the influence of jihadi narratives on social media and Twitter remains a pervasive threat. The widespread adoption of social media and Twitter in Saudia and as a major power in the Middle East, Saudia Arabia has been the target of jihadi discourse and susceptible to extremist influence with far reaching regional and global implications. Given the rise and dissemination of jihadi discourse on Twitter relating to or emanating from Saudi Arabia this research investigates the ability of extremist groups to spread their ideologies through the social media platforms in Saudi Arabia on Twitter in the period 2015-2106. A systematic grounded discourse analysis of Twitter data was employed to comprehensively examine jihadi discourse on the platform. The findings reveal a deliberate and diverse narrative structure that integrates ideological, historical, religious, and socio-political elements, enhancing its persuasive power through strategic framing techniques. The communication strategies on Twitter, including rapid dissemination, amplification, and the use of multimedia, significantly enhance the discourse’s influence. This discourse shapes perceptions, behaviors, and identities, creating strong emotional and cognitive impacts. In Saudi Arabia, Twitter's role in propagating jihadi narratives is particularly impactful, linking messages to current events and leveraging multimedia to resonate with the audience, thereby posing a persistent threat to societal stability. This contributes a novel strategic framework for analysing online extremist communication that extends theory and supports policy guidance to counter online extremism by analysing jihadi discourse's persuasive power and influence on Twitter.29 0