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Item Restricted Traduction du français vers l’arabe d’un extrait du livre : Être présent pour ses parents « Ta main dans la mienne vaut plus que tous les mots dans le monde » 2022 Dr. Hélène Rossinot(Saudi Digital Library, 2023) Alseraihi, Lujain; El hassan, El hebchi; Ahmadi, Taquoiترجمة مهنية لجزء من كتاب ترجمته بعنوان (كن عضيدا لوالديك) يتحدث فيه عن مرحلة الشيخوخة والرعاية والاستعداد لها. يتيع الترجمة قائمة بالمصطلحات ومسرد يتعلق بالمجال.42 0Item Restricted Imagerie Microscopique Multimodale Polarimétrique Visible et Infrarouge Couplée à des Sources de Lumière Laser Accordable et Synchrotron(Saudi Digital Library, 2023-03-10) AlBugami, Bandar; Ossikovski, RazvigorThe polarimetric microscope developed within the framework of this thesis in collaboration with the Synchrotron SOLEIL, is the first to combine the possibility of performing bimodal imaging of the real and Fourier planes with a complete analysis of the polarization of light over a very wide spectral range. from visible to mid-infrared. Much more than a demonstrator, the microscope is a real research instrument integrated within the SMIS infrared synchrotron beamline at the service of the scientific community. The optical design made it possible to create the optical and mechanical device that constitutes the microscope. The polarimetric design has made it possible to develop an innovative, robust and simple polarimeter optical configuration and control mode. This gives the polarimeter a clear advantage over other technologies, and allows to consider a possible commercial exploitation. A new method of polarimetric calibration, called the polarizer method, initially adapted for the polarimetric microscope, is also useful for calibrating polarimeters working in extreme spectral ranges for which few solutions exist. The manuscript ends with the description of an example of application consisting in the study of the response of vine leaves and its components by polarimetric imaging in the visible and infrared domains. The visible images made it possible to identify the presence of crystallite aggregates called raphides, and the infrared images made it possible to determine their chemical composition.23 0Item Restricted Genomic and biochemical characterization of a bacterial homolog of Selenoprotein N, a selenium-containing protein involved in congenital muscular dystrophy(Saudi Digital Library, 2023-03-31) Mahboub, Nedaa Yousef; Lescure, AlainSelenoprotein N (SelenoN) is an endoplasmic reticulum resident transmembrane protein. Mutations in the SELENON gene were linked to different inherited forms of muscular diseases in Humans and the SelenoN protein was shown to be implicated in muscle development and regeneration. However, the catalytic function of SelenoN remains elusive. Bioinformatics search identified a gene homologous to SELENON in one single group of unclassified bacteria, Candidatus Poribacteria. This bacterium is a marine sponge symbiont, yet-to-be cultured. The thesis project has focused on the study of this bacterial ortholog of SELENON. Genomic analysis of different Poribacteria strains identified multicopy of SELENON gene, organized in tandem repeat or in operon with other genes. During my thesis I amplified one form of the SELENON gene and its operon-associated gene, and then expressed and purified the SelenoN protein to be used for functional analyses in the future. In the second part of the project, I studied the abundance and distribution of Poribacteria in the structures of the host sponge, Aplysina aerophoba, using fluorescence in situ hybridization technique, transmission electron microscopy, and immuno-gold labeling. These studies allowed us to get information about the sponge-bacteria interaction and the possible contribution of SelenoN to the symbiosis.31 0Item Restricted Le printemps arabe : les cas Tunisien & Égyptien(2023-04-05) Aljabri, Faisal; Roche, ThierryOur work focuses on Arab films, and the political and social events and manifestations that affected them from 2010 to 2021. Among the most important of these events - for example - the Arab revolutions that began in Tunisia and shook the Arab world between 2010 and 2013, an important political and social event that brought about great changes at all levels in most Arab countries. This episode of history will be studied from the perspective of cinema. We chose to focus our study on two countries, Tunisia, and Egypt. The first because it is the origin of the movement that will then gradually spread to other countries, and the second because it is the most productive cinematically, both in terms of the films produced but also because of its widespread reach and influence. We suggest studying a group of films that presented specific political events such as revolutions and social changes in their different historical stages. After giving a certain number of items about what were the different movements and events that covered the Arab Spring and having quickly sketched out the features of the cinematic landscape, from its birth to today, in Egypt and Tunisia we will study a group of films that we believe are decisive in recreating the different stages of the "revolution" process. in these two countries. It will not be about striving for inclusiveness but highlighting the salient features in a few films that have been counted and will be counted in writing the history of these countries, as films will be considered “agents” of history. Use Marc Ferro’s equation, and at the end of the research we will try to evaluate the effects of various events, whether political or Social or even security for cinema in Egypt and Tunisia, with a brief study of the same situation in Arab countries other than these two.30 0Item Restricted Miniaturised Microwave Biosensor Conception and Implementation for Carotid Atherosclerosis Diagnosis(Saudi Digital Library, 2023-06-29) Shahbaz, Rania; Kokabi, Hamid; Koskas, FabienMicrowave imaging has gained significant attention in the field of medical imaging due to its ability to penetrate through the body and differentiate the dielectric properties of human tissues and hence distinguish abnormal tissues from healthy ones. This thesis uses a miniaturized microwave biosensor that can quantify the relative permittivity of biological tissues. This kind of biosensor exhibits desirable features such as portability, simplicity of design, low cost, and lack of risk to the healthcare provider and the patient. This miniaturized CSRR biosensor has been developed to quantify the composition of atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid artery locally. Initial tests with the sensor were performed on fifty carotid artery atherosclerotic plaques. Histological analysis of those lesions, CT and ultrasound scanning of the corresponding patients were performed to validate the sensor's findings. A comprehensive statistical analysis was performed to correlate the microwave results to histology and compare them with current radiological modalities. In addition, the biosensor was employed to characterize a variety of animal biological tissues representing the human neck model. Thereupon it was tested on a human neck phantom. Preliminary data were compared with results from electromagnetic modelling and 3D simulations of the biosensor loaded by the tested materials. Since the original sensor prototype was designed on a high-loss substrate, it had limited detection depth. Therefore, further CSRRs better suited to detecting in deeper tissues were developed simultaneously. The simulation results for the microwave biosensor were almost equivalent to the actual data. Results showed that the microwave biosensor could distinguish between high-risk and low-risk carotid plaques and characterize individual biological layers but lacked precision for multilayer models. Despite facing several constraints, the miniaturized microwave biosensor can differentiate between diverse biological tissues. With the identification of the issues and obstacles, there is a possibility that a device suitable for in-vivo use in healthcare settings can be manufactured in the near future.15 0Item Restricted Comparison between Deep learning architectures to improve breast cancer detection on screening mammography(Paris Dauphine University, 2023-09-15) Aljohani, Renad; Cazenave, TristanRecently, developing deep learning based diagnosing systems for breast cancer has gained considerable attention from the research community. It has been proven that employing deep learning techniques in the medical sector is an effective way to speed up generating results of diagnosing as well as contributing to early detection of cases. Developing accurate deep learning based systems is tightly-coupled with effective architectures, which in turn means taking into consideration the type and number of layers is critical in this context. This work proposes a deep learning based model for detecting breast cancer from mammogram medical images. Four diagnosing models are developed using Resnet from scratch, ResNet50 V2, VGG16, and MobileNet V2. The intelligent models are trained using the RSNA Screening Mammography Breast Cancer Detection dataset available on the Kaggle website. In the pre-processing step, EightSymmetry and cutout based augmentation techniques are employed for the purpose of enhancing accuracy. The models are tested without augmentation, with EightSymmetry based augmentation, and with cutout based augmentation. The results showed that using cutout augmentation with the VGG16-based model performs the best in terms of AUC (0.8) when compared to other models, where Resnet from scratch (0.6), ResNet50 V2 (0.7), and MobileNet V2 (0.79).6 0Item Restricted La terminologie traductologique en arabe: analyse et comparaison d’une sélection de termes non stables(Saudi Digital Library, 2023-09-15) Alzahrani, Bashayer; Mallem, Ismahene Sonia Halimi; Ougammadan, MohamedLa terminologie traductologique en arabe nécessite une meilleure normalisation dans ce domaine pour définir, standardiser et répandre les termes traductologiques et ainsi régler la confusion existante. Ce mémoire aborde l’impact des dictionnaires traductologiques arabes sur la normalisation terminologique. Il traite particulièrement une sélection de concepts classés selon les tournants de la traductologie catégorisés par Snell-Hornby (2006). La terminologie arabe correspondante est extraite de dictionnaires et de ressources académiques en traductologie. Après une analyse des termes non stables et une argumentation, nous proposons des ajustuments en nous appuyant sur les définitions des termes dans les dictionnaires monolingues arabes, généralistes et spécialisés, et sur les critères de normalisation d’Alhamzawi (1986). Le mémoire a conclu à la proposition de 20 termes traductologiques adaptés et à la mise en évidence de l’absence importante du rôle des dictionnaires dans la normalisation terminologique.54 0Item Restricted Sorbonne University as an Urban Space: A Study of its Impact on Shaping Paris as a Global City(Saudi Digital Library, 2023-10-05) Alhamdan, Salma Hamad; Louise, Professor AnnaThis study investigates the role of Sorbonne University as an urban space and its contribution to shaping Paris as a global city. It focuses on the university's role in establishing Paris as an international centre for education and research, its allure for intellectuals from the MENA region during the 20th century, and how this prominence contributed to its global dimension. This dissertation also delves into how the Sorbonne has adapted to shifts in the global education landscape. The study reveals that the Sorbonne played a pivotal role in transforming Paris into an international hub for education and research. With its dynamic educational programs, robust research initiatives, industry partnerships, and supportive environment, the university fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation, benefiting Paris and beyond. The Sorbonne significantly influenced Paris's cultural history by attracting Arab intellectuals who were at the forefront of Arab nationalism and political ideologies. This dissertation demonstrates how the Sorbonne has responded to global education trends, seamlessly integrating technology, interdisciplinary methodologies, and cultural awareness to prepare students for the contemporary world. Beyond showcasing how universities can drive multifaceted growth in cities, this study emphasizes their transformative potential in Moulding graduates into change agents and problem solvers in their respective societies. Word count: 15837 Declaration: I hereby declare that the following work is my own and that any material taken from other sources has been properly referenced.11 0Item Restricted Interface and structural engineering of perovskite solar cells towards enhanced stability and performance(Saudi Digital Library, 2023-11-22) Almalki, Masaud; Graetzel, Michaelشهدت خلايا البيروفسكايت الشمسية تطورا سريعًا خلال العقد الأخير، حيث حققت كفاءة تنافس بالفعل أكثر تقنيات الخلايا الشمسية تأسيسًا واستخداما. تتميزهذه الخلايا بسهولة المعالجة وتتمتع بخصائص الكتروضوئية ممتازة تجعلها متاحة للعديد من التطبيقات في مجال الخلايا الشمسية والإلكترونيات البصرية. ومع ذلك، يكمن ضعف خلايا البيروفسكايت في ضعف استقرار أداها لفترة طويلة الذي يلزم لجعلها منتجاً تجاريًا. في هذه الرسالة، كنت أعمل على تحسين الاستقرار مستهدفًا مكونات مختلفة من هيكل خلايا البيروفسكايت بما في ذلك طبقة امتصاص ضوء الشمس ونقطة إلتقاص البيروفسكايت والطبقة الحاملة للشحنات الموجبة النتجة (p-type) في طبقة البيروفسكايت. وأخيرًا، استكشاف مواد جديدة والطبقة الحاملة للشحنات الموجبة النتجة (p-type) تحمل الإمكانية لتكون أكثر استقراراً مقارنة بالمواد المستخدمة حاليًا مثل spiro-OMeTAD. في الفصل الثاني تمت دراسة نوع من البيروفيسكايت يسمى البيروفسكايت المتدرجة Layered perovskite باستخدام الفينيلين-1،4-ديميثيل أمونيوم (PDMA) وتم استكشاف تركيبها على المستوى الذري. تم فحص الاستقرار هذي المواد في بيئات ذات رطوبة عالية مظهرا استقرارية هذا النظام في هذه الظروف والحصول على فهم أعمق لهذا النظام. في الفصل الثالث تمت معالجة سطح طبقة البيروفيسكايت بإيثيل أمونيوم يوديد (DEAI) حيث تم تحسين أداء الخلية الشمسية بكفاءة بنسبة 23.3% مع تحسين استقرار الخلية تحت الظروف التشغيلية والحرارية. في الفصل الرابع تم استخدام الغرافين أكسيد المطعم بالفلزات القلوية كطبقة حامية للبيروفسكايت، مما أسفر عن تحسين كفاءة تحويل الطاقة إلى 23.4%. أظهرت الخلايا الشمسية استقرارًا ممتازًا تحت الظروف التشغيلية والحرارية. وأخيرًا، في الفصل الخامس، تمت دراسة مواد جديدة (p-type)، مما أظهر أداءًا واعدًا. تم إجراء فحص شامل لخصائصها الإلكترونية والالكتروضوئية لتحديد العوامل الرئيسية المساهمة في فقدان الكفاءة، والتي تم العثور على أنها مرتبطة بتحسين نقطة التقاء سطح البيروفيسكايت مع طبقة (p-type) بدلاً من الخصائص الجوهرية لمواد (p-type)، أنفسها. يقدم هذا الفصل استراتيجية تحسين لهذه المواد الجديدة، مبرزًا إمكانياتها كبدائل لمواد (p-type) الحالية التي تمتاز بالفعالية العالية.23 0Item Restricted IMPACT DE LA FABRICATION ADDITIVE SUR LA PERFORMANCE DE LA SUPPLY CHAIN(Université de Bordeaux, 2023-11-29) Noorwali, Albraa; Ducq, YvesAdditive Manufacturing (AM), often referred to as 3D printing, is a technology that allows for the direct creation of 3D products from digital models, offering industries new possibilities for design, customization, and rapid prototyping. Its impact spans industries such as aerospace, healthcare, and automotive, promising cost-effective production and innovative solutions. However, the quality of AM-produced products depends on the post-processing operation, and some non-quality issues are often encountered. Despite the extensive literature comparing AM to conventional manufacturing (CM), there is still a need for empirical evidence and comprehensive cost analyses to guide companies in adopting AM, especially by considering the non-quality issues. This thesis addresses this gap by (1) empirically investigating the impacts of AM across all supply chain processes by using collected data from a sample of 51 companies, (2) evaluating, by means of a simulation study and data from an oil and gas company, the practicality and cost-effectiveness of shifting from CM to in-house AM production while considering investment costs and different quality levels, and (3) exploring the advantages of integrating AM within a dual sourcing framework to assess cost implications and resilience benefits. The empirical investigation shows two major benefits of AM, namely: the ability to produce complex parts in low volumes and good design and the prototyping capability. Moreover, the simulation study provides evidence on the limits of AM when there is a low-quality level generated by postprocessing. The thesis enables as well to show the benefits of using AM within a dual sourcing context.21 0Item Restricted Exploring the Relationship Between Biophilic Design Elements in Hotels and Guest Experience from the Customer Perspective in Saudi Arabia(Swiss Hotel Management, 2024-02) Alderan, Majed Abdulaziz D; de Leymarie, XavierThis study investigates the influence of biophilic design on guest experiences in Saudi Arabian hotels, addressing a gap in empirical research within the hospitality sector. Through a mixed-methods approach, using quantitative and qualitative survey, the research explores the relationship between biophilic elements in hotel environments and guest satisfaction. Findings indicate a significant positive relationship between the presence of natural design elements and enhanced guest experiences, highlighting the importance of incorporating biophilic design for improving well-being and satisfaction. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on biophilic design in hospitality, offering insights for architects, designers, and hotel operators aiming to leverage environmental psychology to enhance guest experiences. It underscores the potential of biophilic design not only as an aesthetic preference but as a strategic tool for boosting guest satisfaction and loyalty within the context of Saudi Arabia's evolving hospitality landscape, aligned with the Vision 2030 objectives of economic diversification and sustainability.18 0Item Restricted Biochemical characterization of the promiscuous activities of rhodanese family enzymes(Université de Lorraine, 2024-03-14) Alsohaibani, Razan; Muller, Sandrine; Talfournier , FrançoisThe rhodanese domain (Rhd), composed of a central sheet flanked by helices, is found in all major evolutionary phyla and often in several proteins encoded by the same genome. Rhd-containing enzymes are classified into four families according to the number of Rhd domains and the presence, or not, of additional domains. Some of the Rhd-containing enzymes exhibit sulfurtransferase activities and are implicated in hydrogen sulfide metabolism and/or signaling processes as sulfur carriers. These enzymes catalyze a sulfur transfer reaction from a donor substrate like 3-mercaptopyruvate or thiosulfate for 3- mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferases or thiosulfate sulfurtransferases, respectively. Human CDC25 phosphatases which catalyze the dephosphorylation of cyclin dependent kinases, belong also to this family. The fact that these enzymes exhibit a side arsenate reductase activity suggest that the Rhd-domain represents a new example of promiscuous catalyst exhibiting sulfurtransferase, phosphatase and arsenate reductase activities in the same active site. Interestingly, all these activities rely on the presence of a Cys-containing catalytic loop, but sulfurtransferases and phosphatases mainly differ by the size and sequence of the catalytic loop which is one residue longer in the later one (CX5R vs CX4R). Moreover, MOCS3, another human sulfurtransferase, was shown to display substrate specificity for protein persulfide. In this context, my project aims to 1) characterize the promiscuous activities of rhodanese family enzymes, using the human TSTD1 sulfurtransferase and the catalytic domain of the CDC25B as model enzymes, and 2) characterize the substrate specificity of MOCS3. Using a structure-function relationship approach, I have notably shown that i) contrary to TSTD1, CDC25B displays promiscuous sulfurtransferase, phosphatase and arsenate reductase activities, and ii) this promiscuity is not exclusively rely on the size and the sequence of the catalytic loop.18 0Item Restricted The Role of Robots/Automation in Shaping Customer Satisfaction in the Hotel and Tourism Industry(Cesar Ritz, 2024-03-18) Alotaibi, Ziyad; Rodrigues, SofiaThis dissertation investigates the influence of robotics and automation on customer satisfaction within the hotel and tourism industry. The study focuses on examining existing literature to understand the interplay between technological advancements, specifically service robots, and their impact on customer experiences. Employing a systematic literature review methodology, it examines a range of peer-reviewed articles to understand the interplay between technological advancements and guest experiences. Key findings indicate that the introduction of service robots generally enhances customer satisfaction. However, the extent of this impact varies based on factors like robot design, human-likeness, and the nature of interaction with guests. The study reveals both the potential benefits and challenges of integrating robotics in hospitality, offering insights into customer perceptions and operational implications for industry practitioners. This research contributes to the growing field of robotics in hospitality, providing a foundation for future explorations into the nuanced relationship between technology and customer satisfaction in service- oriented industries.16 0Item Restricted Strategic Management Through Franchising: Two Franchise Cases of Courtyard by Marriott in Swiss Hospitality Industry(Cesar Ritz Colleges, 2024-05-20) Alshehri, Amjad Meshref; Gillard, EvelinaSwitzerland, is a small, safe, and attractive country with pure air and water. This country offers a beautiful natural environment and a great position. It's no surprise that Switzerland was among the first to promote tourism as a major sector. For example, the École Hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), the world's 41st oldest hotel school and first hospitality school, is located in Switzerland. This is significant for many travelers while deciding on an overseas vacation spot. The Swiss hotel business has a reputation for providing high-quality, dependable services. In general, even the cheapest hotel in Switzerland is likely to be clean, tidy, and well-organized. Almost all hotel owners and managers in this country strive to retain this image by maintaining consistently high standards in operating procedures, service delivery, and development (Tajeddini, 2010). Tourism is respected as one of the foremost imperative financial divisions in Switzerland, both in terms of net esteem included and business. Agreeing to information given by the Bundesamt für Statistik (Swiss Government Factual Office), residential add up to net esteem included contributed 614.153 million CHF to the economy within the moment quarter of the 2013 financial year, with tourism contributing 16.205 million CHF. Among the same time period, tourism produced 2.6% of net esteem included, whereas work contributed 4.3% (Swiss Government Measurable Office, 2015) (ÇAKAR and ZEL, 2015). On the other hand, although it is true that Swiss hoteliers are sought after to manage prominent hotels all over the world, Swiss hotels have unique characteristics. These cute little characteristics can be uncomfortable for international guests who are unfamiliar with the area. As a result of this reputation, the most prestigious hotel schools have been created throughout the country to educate and train a huge number of students from all over the world. Swiss hospitality colleges have produced a number of executives in the global hotel sector. (Tajeddini, 2010) Moreover, Switzerland's hotel business is currently facing a number of issues. Addressing every aspect of sustainable finance problems entailed determining the expanding attractiveness of sustainable funds, among other things (Ye et al. 2020). These difficulties are evident in Switzerland, which has a small open economy with international trade accounting for over 116% 5 of GDP (WorldBank, 2022). Interestingly, the country's landlocked status is equally problematic, as it lacks a region connected to an ocean or lies on endorheic basins (Regazzoni et al. 2018).11 0Item Restricted Precision & Prestige: Chronicling the Emergence & Evolution of the Luxury Fashion Wristwatch(The New School - Parsons Paris, 2024-05-30) Almashabi, Deema; Cotta, LaurentThis thesis explores the intricate relationship between haute couture and haute horlogerie, exploring the evolution of wristwatch collections from premier fashion houses. Starting with a poetic contemplation on the nature of time, influenced by philosophers, poets, and scientific advancements, it shifts focus to the physical manifestation of time through the wristwatch. This accessory transcends its functional role, embodying social, emotional, economic, and existential dimensions. The historical journey from ancient timekeeping methods to the precision of modern mechanical watches sets the stage for an in-depth analysis of the wristwatch's evolution as both a technical marvel and a fashion statement. Marked by significant technological advancements and shifts in societal perceptions of time, this research highlights the transition of wristwatches from practical tools to emblematic instruments that signify beyond their functional purpose. By examining the entry of haute couture and luxury brands into the world of haute horlogerie, the thesis seeks to understand how these iconic labels have balanced their unique brand identities with the stringent standards of high-end watchmaking. Through case studies of Dior, Hermès, and Chanel, it investigates the historical and contextual factors influencing their wristwatch collections. The central research question probes the evolution of these brands' initial wristwatch collections, focusing on the transformative impact of design, craftsmanship, and industrial advances. This exploration is set against the backdrop of global watchmaking centres and the fundamental role of Place Vendôme in linking haute couture with precision watchmaking, iv offering insights into the seamless integration of fashion and functionality in the realm of luxury timepieces. In investigating the trajectory of these brands’ initial wristwatch collections alongside their brand heritage and methodologies, this research will employ a multifaceted theoretical analysis approach. Drawing upon a wide array of historical documentation, fashion archives, and industry reports, the study aims to dissect the nuances of brand evolution in the context of watchmaking. Comparative analysis will further illuminate the distinct strategies adopted by the brands mentioned above, shedding light on how each brand’s unique identity and aesthetic have been woven into their timepiece collections. Through this lens, the research will critically assess the interplay between tradition and innovation, scrutinizing how historical significance and contemporary advancements converge within these wristwatch collections. This methodical examination will enable a deeper understanding of the symbiotic relationship between luxury fashion brands and high watchmaking, offering new perspectives on the enduring legacy and future endeavours of luxury fashion brands venturing further into high watchmaking.32 0Item Restricted L’HABITAT DURABLE EN ARABIE SAOUDITE : Dimension climatique et socio-culturelle. Cas d’étude : La ville de Djeddah(Saudi Digital Library) AHMED ABDULWAHAB A KHAN; Mme. Catherine SEMIDOR, Docteur d’Etat Sciences Physiques1 0Item Restricted Comparaison DES DIFFERENTS PARAMETRES DE L’ERGOMETRIE AVEC MESURE DES ECHANGES GAZEUX(Saudi Digital Library) ALAA ABDULAZIZ A ALDOSSARI; Travail réalisé sous la direction du Professeur GIBELIN Pierre0 0Item Restricted APPLICATION OF ANDROID TO CALCULATE CALORIES INTAKE AND CALORIES BURNED EAT AND LOSE CALORIES(Saudi Digital Library) NAHLA HASSAN I BUKHAMSEEN; Guillermo Talavera Velilla0 0Item Restricted Maxillary canine impaction and adjacent incisors root resorption(Saudi Digital Library) ALI ABDULAZIZ A ALQERBAN; Prof. Guy Willems1 0Item Restricted Le rôle du Manager de Proximité dans la performance des équipes(Saudi Digital Library) SALEM MOHSEN SALEM BABTAIN; Marie José SCOTTO0 0